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WAKING up was a pleasant surprise for Haley on account of it not being caused by nightmares. But as she looked down upon her bare body, she'd argue with the fact that she really didn't get up to much sleep. The bedroom door creaking open had her sit up, holding the sheets to her chest as she watched Wren slip inside dressed in his scrubs, takeout coffee and bag in hand "I had rounds but I wanted to bring you back some breakfast."

"Thanks." She mumbled softly, smiling slightly as he pulled out a croissant and handed her phone "Oh, I must've left it downstairs. I should probably get ready for school."

"Have your breakfast and I'll find you a something to wear, shall I?" Wren smiled before heading to his closet as he thought of her blood stained clothes strewn across his home "I doubt they'd let you in through the door's in just your knickers."

Haley couldn't help the laugh that escaped her before she took a sip of the coffee. Setting it aside, she swapped it out for her phone only for her eyes to widen at the countless missed calls and messages from her friends. Heading straight to the latest message, Haley's eyes skimmed over the information. Noel had sent Spencer security footage from his cabin, showing he and Jenna heading inside just as Maya came out. And while the couple headed to bed, Maya was grabbed from the frame hours before her death.

It was official, Noel and Jenna didn't kill Maya.

WHILE Hanna filled Haley in on the new pastor in town's early morning visit to their mother, bringing along the thumb drive that once belonged to Ian after finding it in the church. So now Ashley planned on watching the intimate videos by the end of the day before deciding what to do with them. But while the blonde noticed the unfamiliar clothes on her sister's body, Spencer noticed the guilt "Okay, seriously, what's up? You look like an adorable little kid who got caught with their hand in the cookie jar."

"I had my hand in Wren's cookie jar." Haley blurted out and the two girls eyes widened in surprise "We uh, got close when I was visiting Mona, and after all the stuff he's done for me... I hooked up with him last night."

Hanna eyed her sister's white button down shirt tightened with a belt around the waist and a pair of checkered pants rolled up at the ankles "Wow, he's got good taste."

Haley sighed as she ignored her sister "I'm so sorry, Spence."

The Hastings girl frowned "What for?"

"He's your ex."

"Actually he's Melissa's." Spencer sighed with a smile "And I was kind've the one who betrayed someone. So seriously, I love Toby. There is nothing between me and Wren. And look, I get it okay, between the dimples and the accent, you're not the first person to fall for Downton Grabby. And if he makes you happy, then go for it because you deserve it." Spencer smiled before it fell as she watched the girl's eyes fill with tears and her lower lip wobble "Whoa, no, no, no, it's okay!"

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now