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FINALLY back at home after her stint at Rosewood Memorial, Haley lay atop Emily's temporary bed as Hanna played with her hair. Ever since her miscarriage, Hanna had been particularly tentative and watchful, almost too much, but for now, Haley wouldn't complain. She knew her sister needed it more than she did.

"Wait, so you think A came in here when we weren't home and shot steroids into every cream that you own?" Hanna questioned, glancing up from Haley's hair to watch as Emily tossed out all of her beauty products.

"Yes, I do."

Haley frowned as she watched the Field's girl "We're sorry you're going through this, Em."

"Yeah—Hey!" Hanna gasped quickly moving from the bed to snatch back her moisturiser before Emily could throw it away "That's mine."

"I'm throwing out your stuff, too." Emily rolled her eyes as Haley sat up "Think about it, there's no way A could know which lotions are mine and which ones are yours."

Hanna frowned "I guess you're right. But not this one. I don't care if I turn into Thor. This soy moisturiser cost me 100 bucks."

"It didn't cost you anything." Haley snorted.

"Stolen or not, it's still a 100 bucks." Hanna argued.

Emily smirked to herself as she continued her clear out "You know, chin hairs and back pimples are also side effects of taking steroids."

Hanna didn't need to hear anymore as she tossed the bottle away "Can't be too safe."

"Morning girls." Ashley popped her head around the doorframe "Haley, Hanna, your dad called. He wants you guys to call him back before you go to school."

"Yeah, I'll get right on that." The elder twin muttered, eyes rolling as she turned her attention to her nails making Ashley sigh but nod as she left them to it.

Emily looked between the sisters "You haven't spoken to your dad, yet?"

"Not since he left." Hanna admitted before glancing to her twin "Haley didn't even talk to him when he was here."

At their probing looks Haley simply shrugged "What's there to talk about?"

GATHERED in the cafeteria, Spencer had corralled the girls together for the first chance they had that day to fill them in on all she had learnt about their blind enemy after she, Hanna and Emily had overheard Jenna being escorted past the morgue when they went to return the file and search for the missing page whilst Haley was getting herself checked out.

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