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A month had passed since the girls arrest, and while her sister and friends spent those four weeks picking up trash in the park for their court mandated community service, Haley had been spending most of her time with Lucas, watching him erase all photographic evidence of the girls in their awful orange jumpsuits.

The girls had found coordinates taped to the shovel that killed Alison outside a garage, the one in which Emily was almost gassed to death in. But it had all been a set up. And they wanted revenge.

It had all been a ploy, to pretend to alienate Emily, using her as the 'weakest link' to lure A into their trap. But their plan didn't go completely the way they wanted, not with the Marin twins running late after a confrontation from their father who dropped the bomb that he was moving back to Rosewood, bringing Isabel and Kate with him.

But while they hadn't caught A like they'd hoped, they had gotten A's cellphone. The only problem was, was that it was locked, and Caleb was their only shot at cracking it. So whilst the girls got his help without revealing anything that could get him in trouble despite Hanna's protests, Haley was tasked with keeping Lucas occupied.

"So what's the difference between a comic book and a graphic novel?" Haley questioned lay on her stomach beside Lucas on the bottom bunk, glancing around his bedroom that could only be described as a nerds wet dream.

Lucas looked up from his laptop with a little smirk "About 12.98."

"Oh, he's got jokes." Haley teased as she looked over at him.

The Gottesman boy smiled to himself before glancing over at her hesitantly "So, has the detective been bothering you?"

"Um no, actually." Haley cleared her throat "I guess that's one perk of him trying to pin murder on all your friends. He's not allowed contact with any of us. So, while he tries to send Hanna to jail, I get a break."

Lucas frowned as he watched her play with her fingers "Hey, that's not your fault."

"But what if that's exactly why he's going after them?" She argued "Because I pissed him off."

"He's a cop. You're a teenager." He responded "One that he took advantage of."

She'd told him vague details. But she'd never tell him about the baby. She couldn't. She doubted she'd have even told him about Darren in the first place if he hadn't caught him leaving that morning all those months ago. Lucas was smart, too smart. He'd already known. Sometimes she felt like he knew everything but she knew she was just paranoid. He wasn't A. Only they knew.

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