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OCTOBER had passed in a blur and Rosewood had finally put Maya St. Germain to rest. Her killer was gone and Garrett Reynolds was cleared. Not to mention, none of the girls had heard from A since the man was released, but they didn't believe they were free, no, they never truly would.

"Give me a hint." Hanna looked to Spencer as they all strolled through the streets after school.

"I'm will not give you a hint. We made a deal." Spencer reminded the blonde "You'll see my costume tonight at the party."

"But what if we was up wearing the same thing?"

Spencer chuckled "We are not going to wear the same thing, I promise you."

"Look, I'll give you a hint if you give me a hint." Hanna tried once more.

"No, hints." Aria shook her head "We said we're gonna pick somebody from a movie and we're all gonna surprise each other."

"Whose stupid idea was that?" Hanna grumbled.


Spencer smiled before glancing back to their two silent friend's walking side by side "Are you sure you guys want to do this thing?"

"I wanna do this. I need to do it." Emily nodded "I want something big and splashy to mark the whole 'before' and 'after' of everything."

"Symbols and ceremonies?" Spencer smiled softly before looking to the Marin girl "Haley?"

"Em's right." Haley shrugged "Beside's Halloween has always been my favourite holiday, I'm not letting Nate/Lyndon, whoever the hell he was ruin that."

Aria smiled "And plus there's mystery life entertainment."

Hanna let out a sigh "I have to get to the dentist."

"How is Caleb?" Emily asked knowingly. For since A's attack on the Rivers boy's mother, the couple had went under the radar, now taking to make out in the most unsuspecting of places. Like the dentist's office.

"He's getting better." Hanna smiled slightly "It was easier when he was in the hospital though. Now he's got out and we have to go under the radar."

Aria looked to the blonde "You sure you wanna go to the ghost train?"

"Yeah, otherwise she's stuck with our mom and Pastor Ted handing out candy to trick or treaters." Haley snorted.

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now