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HANNA had arrived home just in time to hear her mother's life altering confession and now the Marin girl's were in their mother's dented car, driving out to where it happened. But as Ashley pulled to a stop it soon became clear there was no sign of Darren Wilden, just his car with the door wide open and red and blue lights flashing.

"There." Ashley mumbled as the three got out of the car and made their way over.

Haley's breath shuddered "Mom... where is he?"

"I don't know." Ashley frowned "He must have been taken to a hospital."

"Or he's in the woods somewhere and we just can't find him." Hanna muttered unhelpfully.

Haley noticed her mother pulling out her cellphone "What are you doing?"

"Calling Rosewood Hospital..." Ashley sighed "And then my lawyer."

"No!" Hanna snatched her cellphone "You cannot do that!"

Ashley's eyes widened at her daughter's actions "Why not?"

Haley ran a hand over her mouth "Because if Darren is still alive somewhere, we don't know what he'll say or do."

"Haley, I hit a man. Not just any man... I hit a cop." Ashley reminded "I left the scene of an accident."

"Which is why you can't admit to what you've done until we know exactly what we're dealing with." Hanna defended "Once you tell the police or your lawyer, there's no going back."

Ashley sighed but nodded "Okay. Girls... Until we know what our next step is... Not a word about this to your friends. Understood?"

Haley nodded "Yes, of course."

Ashley sighed in relief before turning to her other daughter "Hanna, I mean it. Nothing."

"I promise." the blonde assured.

Before they could head back to the car, Haley asked the question that had been plaguing her since she found out "Why'd you do it, Mom?"

Ashely tensed before turning to face her "He... he was bragging about you... about getting you pregnant." Haley's breath hitched as her eyes filled with tears, Hanna frozen as she stared between them "About raping my baby girl. So I hit him." Ashley's own blue's stung as she took a step towards her, voice choked "Why didn't you tell me?"

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