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WHEN Caleb Rivers returned to Rosewood after tracking down his Uncle Jamie...his dad (he still hadn't got used to that), he figured after clearing his name when Pastor Ted had found out who really stole the bell, that he could finally relax and spend some quality time with his girlfriend. But he knew the second Hanna told him her sister might've killed a cop, that wouldn't be happening anytime soon.

"She doesn't remember?" He looked between Hanna and Lucas who stood before him. They'd met up in the park, not wanting Haley to know what they were up-to. She had enough to deal with.

Hanna sighed "No, she got knocked out."

Caleb's eyebrow raised "But she definitely shot the gun?"

"Yes." Lucas informed his friend.

Caleb looked between the, "Do you think she did it?"

The pair shared a look before Hanna sighed heavily "After what Wilden did to her, I wouldn't blame her..."


"But she could go to jail or my mom could if A keeps trying to frame her."

Caleb nodded "Well, first we prove your mom was in New York the night he died."

Lucas looked to him "And Haley?"

He sighed in defeat "I haven't figured that far ahead."

"VIENNA?" Haley repeated what Aria had just said in disbelief. Mrs. Montgomery had been asked by her boyfriend to spend a year abroad with him "As in, Vienna, Austria?"

Aria sighed as the girls sans Hanna who hadn't shown up for their last period and walked through the school hallway towards the exit "That's the one."

"Vienna's a long way to go for some strudel." Spencer mused.

"Depends who the baker is." Aria mumbled.

Haley shrugged "Depends on the strudel."

Emily smiled at the girl before looking to Aria curiously "Would she go?"

"Well, she says no, but I think she's actually thinking about it."

"What do you think about it?" Haley questioned.

Aria frowned "I'm not sure. I mean I miss her not being in the house, I can't even imagine what it'd be like if she was on a different continent." She shook her head before looking to the Hasting's girl "Any luck with Big Birds phone number?"

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now