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KNEE bouncing under the metal desk in the interview room, Haley sat across from Lieutenant Tanner, shuffling uncomfortably under her piercing gaze. The woman sat forward, fingers interlocking as she peered at the teenage girl before her "The gun we found in Darren Wilden's safety deposit box is a .38 Cali her revolver. Do you know what that means?"

"No." Haley wet her parched lips.

"It means, it's the same as the murder weapon. And it just so happens to be under the ownership of one Tom Marin. Your father. Why was his gun in a dead police officer's safety deposit box?"

Haley swallowed the lump in her throat before shrugging slightly "How would I know?"

"It holds six bullets, but there's only four in the chamber." Lieutenant Tanner continued "Makes you gotta wonder where the other bullets went, right?"

Haley frowned to herself. Two? She swore only fired one...

"What was the nature of your relationship with Darren Wilden?" She watched as Haley's head snapped up and raised an eyebrow "There's rumours around the precinct of his... infatuation with you."

Haley found herself scoffing, folding her arms across her chest "And what, none of the respectable police officers of Rosewood thought to check on those rumours, make sure he wasn't abusing the law and a teenage girl?"

"Was he?" She peered closer at the girl as she lowered her gaze "Haley, if Darren Wilden was having an inappropriate relationship with you, we need to know. It's the only way we can help you." A knock on the door had her hold back a sigh "That'll be your mom."

The door opened and Ashley stormed in, followed by Veronica "Haley we're going."

Veronica eyed the officer "Next time you want to question a minor without an adult or legal counsel, don't."

Lieutenant Tanner simply smiled as she stood "I'll walk you."

Haley allowed her mother to guide her forward before she froze at the sight of her unimpressed father alongside a worried Hanna and she turned to Ashley in disbelief "You called him?"

"They're keeping the gun for testing." Tom gritted out.

"What kind of testing." Hanna frowned "Dad?"

Lieutenant Tanner smirked as she looked between the twins "The kind of testing used to determine wether your dads gun was used to kill a police officer. I'll be in touch."

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