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IT had been a long night at the police station for the Marin household, but for once, it wasn't because of Hanna. It seemed Maya had run away from home to avoid a return trip to True North, and as her girlfriend, Emily was the first to be questioned on her whereabouts.

But as the girls met up in the school courtyard, Maya was the least of their concerns.

"Do mom and dad know you're watching murder movies?" Spencer sighed as she read aloud their latest message "I bet it would kill them to find out. -A."

"Is A talking about the N.A.T videos?" Aria questioned in a hushed voice.

"Of course." Hanna scoffed "A knows we have their cell phone."

Emily was wide eyed as she rushed towards the girls "Did you guys get that text from A?"

Haley let out a groan as she ran a hand through her hair "Unfortunately."

"And now Melissa's threatening to kill our parents." Hanna quipped.

"I told you Melissa can't be A." Spencer frowned.

Haley gave the Hasting's girl an unsure frown "Alison was getting texts from the law firm your sister interned at."

"But she explained that." Spencer argued "Melissa just wanted Ali to leave Ian alone."

"So, what?" Aria rolled her eyes "I got chased by a hobo for nothing?"

Emily frowned "That still doesn't explain why Melissa got into Garrett's car instead of meeting you, Spence."

"Do you think he told her about the video?" Aria questioned fearfully "Because if she knows that she's in it and if she's A..."

"You guys, my sister is not A!" Spencer snapped "We all watched her fall apart when we found Ian's body. She had no idea that he was dead. She wouldn't just text herself from her dead husbands phone and then lose it like that. I mean, come on Haley, she helped you deal with Wilden's evil spawn." Her own eyes widened along with the rest of the girls at her words and she frowned apologetically towards the eldest Marin girl "Haley, I-I'm sorry."

"Yeah, me too." She mumbled before walking off, leaving Spencer to stare after her regretfully before she turned to the other girls "I-I didn't mean it to come out like that. Can we please just breathe for a second?"

"No." Hanna snapped, angry at her on behalf of Haley "We have video of four people who could've killed Alison. Okay, they were in her bedroom the night she died. Can't we get in trouble for withdrawing evidence?"

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