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WAITING in an alley in downtown Rosewood was not how Haley had planned to spend her morning. In fact, her fingers itched around her cellphone just waiting for the dreaded message from A. She'd turned her locker and bedroom upside with no sign of the little white pill, and she just knew her anonymous nemesis had something to do with it.

"This place is skeevy." Aria grimaced, wrapping her arms around her middle.

Hanna let out a huff "Spencer pawned her sisters wedding ring, you're not going to Tiffany's."

"So, Wren and Melissa?" Emily sighed, trying to cut the tension.

"Weird, right?"

Haley shrugged at her sister "He was probably doing her a favour, it's what he does." At her friends confused stares she quickly added "Being a doctor and all."

"Could you tell what he gave her?" Emily looked between the group.

"No." Aria sighed "But she didn't seem happy about it."

Hanna raised an eyebrow "I wonder if Ian will be."

Deciding to steer the conversation away from everything that was Melissa and Ian, Haley looked to Emily "How you holding up?"

"Great, ever since A sent that fake scholarship letter, my mom thinks I can do no wrong." Emily frowned "I'm living a lie I didn't even tell."

"Leave it to A to make you feel bad about your mom feeling good." Hanna muttered before all eyes went to Spencer as she stormed out of the pawn shop.

"He sold Melissa's ring to somebody else and gave me a horseshoe." The Hasting's girl scoffed, raising the silver token "I can't believe that it's gone

Hanna smiled tentatively, glancing to the wad of cash in her hand "At least you got your money back."

"Am I supposed to give her this?" Spencer's eye's were wide as she thrusted the horse show
E in Hanna's face "I stole it. I actually sold my sisters wedding ring."

All of a sudden, five phones chimes simultaneously and Haley let out a huff the first to read the message "Just my luck, diamonds are a girls best friend. A."

WITH her head in her hands, Haley sat off to the side in the school courtyard, ignoring the mindless chatter of the students around her. A had her on edge, anxiety rolling off her waves as nausea swept across her multiple times a time leaving her a shell of herself. She needed to find that pill.

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now