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"BREAKING news. One week after his arrest, Reynolds pled not guilty to the charge of Alison DiLaurentis' murder. However, prosecutors remain confident with their case. Rosewood P.D's working theory is that Reynolds became a police officer to destroy evidence that linked him to the murder scene. Investigators received a break in the case when that document was recovered."

"That must be page five of Ali's autopsy report." Haley mused quietly as Spencer muted the tv in the Hastings kitchen.

"Garrett took it, but somebody gave it back." Emily

Spencer looked between them "My mom is friends with the prosecutor. That somebody was Jenna."

"I mean, can we finally put Ali to rest now?" Aria questioned.

"Or is it two down, two to go?" Hanna retorted "Ian's dead, Garrett's in jail. Melissa and Jenna were in Ali's room that night too. They may not have killed Ali, but they're definitely guilty of something."

"And someone did try and kill Jenna in that fire." Haley added.

The five paused at the sound of footsteps and watched as a Melissa came into the kitchen, arms folded across her pregnant stomach, her eyes set on the silent picture of Garrett on the screen "Love gone wrong."

Spencer frowned at her sister "What are you talking about?"

"I knew Ian didn't kill Alison. And you five can keep a secret, but you don't have the constitution for murder." Melissa paused as she spotted Aria's untouched frozen yogurt "Are you eat that?" She smiled when the fearful Montgomery slid it across the counter "Thanks. I know Jenna Marshall went blind, and so did Garrett. If he killed Alison, it's because he thought she deserved it. Mm. Is this peanut butter?"

"Toffee." Aria mumbled.

"Mm. It's good. Thanks."

As Melissa made her way outside towards the barn, Haley looked to her friends "She definitely knows about the Jenna thing."

Suddenly all the girls cellphone's went off, sans Haley who peered over her sister's shoulder, looking down at Mona's old screen and the message displayed "You still have something that belongs to me. Bring it, or one of you leaves in a body bag." Emily sighed heavily as she read it aloud "A."

The doorbell ringing had the girls look up, Spencer going to answer it while Hanna turned to her friends "A has to be talking about her phone."

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now