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SPLITTING a large slice of chocolate cake between them, the girls sat in the Apple Rose Grille conferring on what had happened with Jenna before Spencer had to join her mother and sister for dinner.

"Do we really believe that Jenna was on a joy ride that night?" Aria questioned, placing a forkful of cake into her mouth afterwards.

"Or was her plan to take Haley to Ali's grave all along?" Spencer rebutted.

Haley let out a groan "God, guys, give it break."

"Haley's right, it seemed like she was scared of someone." Emily agreed.

"And it seemed like she was blind for five months when she wasn't." Aria argued.

Hanna massaged her temples "For purposes of my head not exploding can we say she is telling the truth and she actually deserves my sisters kindness? Because the last few people to be on the receiving end of that haven't turned out so well."

Spencer raised an eyebrow as Haley rolled her eyes "Well that would mean that we would cross her off the new A list."

"Then who's still on it?" Aria questioned.

Emily looked between them "Lucas?"

Seeing Haley's expression, Spencer sighed "I know you don't want to think about it because he was your boyfriend but—"

"Lucas isn't capable of digging up a grave." Hanna defended her sister when her head dropped.

Spencer sighed but nodded "All roads lead back to the Black Swan. I mean we know that she was working with Mona, the sketches were in her lair—"

"Spencer." The girls looked up, spotting Melissa making her way over "Mom wants to know if you want anything else before we order?"

"Uh, no thank you."

As the older Hasting's sister nodded before returning to her table, Haley looked over her "Melissa looks great."

"Yeah she's back to being a size 2." Hanna pointed out "... black swan size. I mean think about it, we know that she lied about when she lost her baby."

"Whoa, back up." Spencer quickly shook her head.

"You think she was pretending to be pregnant for that long?" Aria questioned Hanna dubiously "That's like, months."

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now