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SO many things had happened in such a short space of time. The Marin's stolen cash had been stolen once again, but this time by A who was making them work for it. The twins were well on their way to being completely healed, at least physically. An angered and vengeful Noel had been taken care of after threatening to expose Mr. Fitz and Aria by being suspended from school thanks to A, their new frenemy and Maya had been sent away to True North after Mrs. Fields discovered her stash of drugs, leaving behind a heartbroken Emily. And then there was the video, the one of Alison they'd been shown by the FBI, but this time, they saw who was on the other side of the camera.

Ian Thomas.

Haley's mind was a mess as she leant over the bathroom sink, cupping the cold water to splash over her face before she looked in the mirror at her own reflection. The bags under eyes were prominent, her skin was paler than usual and her clothes hung looser upon her body.

She was snapped out of her trance by hands gripping her hips from behind and she swallowed the lump in her throat as she watched a topless Darren in the reflection, place a kiss on her neck "Come on baby, shower time."

Haley listened as Darren dropped his boxers to the floor before starting the shower and with a silent frown she looked over her reflection once more before stripping off the man's T-shirt she'd slept in and following him into the tub.

HALEY watched her fellow students milling around the front yard of Rosewood High from her spot in the passenger seat. The hub of conversation and happiness was something she felt disconnected from. All the lies, the secrets were taking it's toll on her and she didn't know what to do. Her eyes fell on Lucas talking with some of his friends from yearbook and she felt her heart clench.

A hand squeezing her thigh had her flinch before she turned her gaze the blond driver as Darren sent her a look "This might need to stay between us Hales, but that doesn't mean you can be with anyone else. You're mine."


His grip tightened as his glare sharpened "I can make life very difficult for some dork who doesn't understand that."

Haley nodded silently, placing a soft kiss on his lips when he gestured for it before climbing out of the car. The second the car door closed behind her, she exhaled, eyes welling with tears as she trudged her way towards the school doors.

LUNCH was a somber affair for the girls. The group were waiting for Spencer to join them in the courtyard with her laptop so they could take the video A had sent them to the cops and as Haley was lost in her own world, Hanna perused the net for local part time jobs.

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