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ALISON'S Memorial Day was closing in and the girls still had a lot to prepare and
Haley was ready to quit right then and there as she helped Aria and Spencer push a large wooden crate through the latter's kitchen "This counts as cardio, right?"


Haley stuck her tongue out at the Hastings girl as Aria spoke up "I was afraid she wouldn't get it done in time for the memorial."

"And this was someone from your mom's gallery?" Hanna questioned as she and Emily joined the girls surrounding the crate.


"Where is your mom?"

Aria sighed as she glanced to the Fields girl "There's an apartment above the gallery. So she's staying there. For now."

"Kind of weird, isn't it?" Hanna mused "Your mom moving out."

Aria rolled her eyes "Yeah, like my dad should have left. That's what you'd expect."

Haley frowned at the girls tone directed at their own situation "Aria, come on."

"Hey, I'm sorry." The brunette apologised as she glanced between the twins "I didn't mean it like that. The whole thing just sucks."

"Did anyone call Shelly Leonard?" Emily questioned the group as she and Aria worked on unscrewing the bolts.

"Done." Spencer confirmed "I told her that if she plays anything depressing, I will kick in her cello."

Haley chuckled before looking over at the girl "What about the program?"

"Almost done. But we should finish it..." Spencer trailed off with a grimace "before Ali's brother gets here.

Aria looked over in interest "When is that?"

"Tonight." The Hastings girl confirmed "He wants to see us in the morning."

"God, you know what?" Hanna spoke up "I barely remember Jason."

"We didn't know him." Aria shrugged "He was just Ali's older brother down the hall."

"Behind the closed door."

Haley glanced to Spencer with a smirk "That did no good to block out the smell of weed."

The girls all chuckled before Emily smiled in memory "With his hardcore-punk music vibrating the floor boards."

Aria shook her head "How did he get into an Ivy League school?"

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