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THUNDER rumbled rumbled outside Spencer's bedroom window while the girls freed themselves from their corsets and discussed just what they now for sure knew was true. Alison DiLaurentis was alive.

Haley stared out at Spencer's families barn, thinking back to that night, the night Alison first went missing as the others talked, unable to form coherent words. She didn't know what to think.

Hanna scoffed from her position on the chaise lounge, Emily at her feet "Where has she been hiding all this time?"

Aria shook her head in disbelief, pulling her knees to her chest as she sat on the end of Spencer's bed "I don't know."

"Do you think she's been hiding right here in Rosewood?" Emily questioned with a frown.

"Why would she be hiding?" Hanna was confused "Why couldn't she just come back?"

Aria sighed "I don't know."

"You keep saying that." Hanna complained.

"Because I don't know!"

Emily sighed "Okay, what do we know? Somebody tried to kill Ali. They buried her in her back yard."

Spencer nodded "Right, and then Grunwald pulled her out."

"Yeah, like a carrot." Hanna commented.

Aria sighed "Well why didn't she just call the cops?"

Emily shot her a look "Which cops was she supposed to call? Garrett?" She glanced to Haley who stared out the window "Wilden?"

Hanna frowned as she watched her sister before shaking her head "Ali not calling the cops is the only thing I do understand."

"You guys, we just found out that Ali is alive." Aria breathed out tentatively "She's really alive. Why am I not..."

"Insanely happy?" All eyes went to Haley as she finally spoke and she turned from the window "Thought it was just me."

Hanna gave her an empathetic shake of the head "It's not."

"Look we can figure out how we feel about this later." Spencer interjected "The fact is that Ali's alive. And she's been hiding out this whole time. Maybe it was in Rosewood. Maybe it was in Philadelphia. Maybe it was in Nova Scotia. Okay? But the sooner we can make it okay for her to come back, the sooner we can sit her down in a chair and ask her what the hell is going on... and why she would do this to us."

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now