Chapter 1 ~ Morgana

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We've been searching for Morgana non-stop for just over a year.  Arthur, Merlin, and I searched for her with a few soldiers. It was misty, so we were all damp. We got to a land where Camelot soldiers were lying across the ground. Arthur gestures for everyone to stop.

"Check for survivors," Arthur says.

Everyone gets off their horses.

Arthur kneels by one of the soldiers.  I walk up behind him with Merlin next to me.

"It seems their attack is headed north," Arthur shouts. He stands, "Come on."

He walks toward the horses. Merlin and I turn to him.

"Do you think we should be going after them?" Merlin asks.

Arthur stops and looks at him. "You are such a girl's petticoat." 

I start laughing; I look at Merlin, and he sighs. 

"I'm sorry, but that was funny." 

"Shut up." Merlin walks off toward the horses.

I follow Merlin to the horses. 

We were riding through a forest.

"Ow," Merlin says.

"Is there something wrong with you?" Arthur asks.

"Yeah, I've been on a horse all day,"  Merlin complains.

"Is your little bottom sore?" Arthur asks.

"Yes, it's not as fast as yours." Merlin states.

"Will you two stop arguing?" I say.

"You know, you've got a lot of nerve for a wimp," Arthur says.

"Guess not," I roll my eyes. "You know what? He might be a wimp, but at least he's not a dollophead."

"There's no such word." Arthur states.

"It's idiomatic," Merlin states.

"It's what?" Arthur asks

"You need to be more in touch with the people," I say 

"Describe dollop head," Arthur says.

"How many words?" I ask 

"Two words?" Merlin asks.

"Yeah," Arthur replies.

"Prince Arthur," I say

Arthur gestures for everyone to stop. I look to where he was and see what looks like a druid camp. Arthur jumps off and draws his sword. I get off along with the rest of the soldiers. I grab my sword and follow Arthur toward the camp. Suddenly I hear a whoosh like an arrow, one of the knights fall to the ground with arrows in his back. Men jump out from the forest and charge toward us.

"On me!" Arthur shouts.

The men arrive by us, and we all begin fighting; I slice a few men down and look to Merlin; he was picking up a sword, a soldier hits it out of his hand. Merlin backs up against a tree. I try and get to him, but I kept on getting attacked. I look at him again to make sure he wasn't dead; a lot of metal flies up and sticks to the soldier's sword, he falls to the floor due to the wait.

I chuckle at Merlin and continue fighting. I help Arthur with the last guy. I swing around when I hear a man grunt, he was about to kill us, but luckily, someone threw a spear, killing him. Arthur and I look around and see Merlin lying down, hiding behind a hill.

"We're not playing hide and seek, Merlin," Arthur says.

I walk over to him.

"Dollop head." He says

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