Chapter 14 ~ The Crystal Cave

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I was running just behind Arthur, with Merlin behind me, we were running, from bandits

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I was running just behind Arthur, with Merlin behind me, we were running, from bandits. I glance back and see a lot of bandits gaining on us.

Arthur leads us to a hill where we hide behind.

"Are they still after us?" Merlin asks.

"I told you we'd outrun them," Arthur says proudly.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Why is it you never trust me?" Arthur asks.

Yelling comes from behind us, and the bandits emerge.

"That's why," I say.

I give him a look. He grabs Merlin and me and pushes us up the hill. Arthur leads us to a split in the path.

"Come on, this way," Arthur says.

"Where are we going?" Merlin asks.

"Trust me!" Arthur shouts.

"Are you serious?" I roll my eyes and follow Arthur.

Arthur starts running down another hill; Merlin and I hit the breaks. I look at Merlin; he felt it, too; it was a weird feeling, but I think we should stay away.

"Arthur," Merlin says.

Arthur turns and looks at us, "What are you doing? Come on!"

Arthur grabs Merlin and me and pulls us down the hill.  He continues running; Merlin and I stop and look at the statues; we hear the bandits and run toward Arthur. We catch up to Arthur and walk.

"What is this place?" Merlin asks.

"The Valley of the Fallen Kings," Arthur replies.

"Is it cursed or something?" I ask.

"No, not unless you're superstitious," Arthur says.

"It is," Merlin says.

"It's a myth. They'll never follow us in here... they won't dare," Arthur says. "Trust me."

"If you say that one more time..." Merlin says under his breath.

The bandits came up behind us, 

"You were saying,"  I say, looking at Arthur.

"Shut up," Arthur says.

We run up a hill out of the valley of kings. I hear a whistle of an arrow, and Arthur falls; Merlin runs forward and tries to pull him up. 

"What was that?" Arthur asks.

"An arrow," Merlin replies.

"An arrow? Good. For a moment, I thought It was something terrible," Arthur says before he faints.

"Arthur!" I shake him, and he doesn't wake up.

Merlin and I share a worried look.

Merlin takes Arthur behind a hill and waits for the bandits to pass. Once they were gone, Merlin checks Arthur's shoulder. He sighs and looks back to where the bandits were; there was none in sight. Merlin starts a fire and makes a poultice of some sort. Arthur's head is resting on my lap. Merlin comes over to us and puts the poultice on his head.

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