Chapter 25 ~ The Escape

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There was still absolute silence in our cell. We hadn't said a word to each other since our argument. I don't think Jules and I have ever had this big of a fight before. All I wanted was Arthur or Merlin. I hear some swords clanging in the distance. I stand up and walk to the door.

"Arthur!" I bang on the cell door, "Arthur! Merlin!" 

"They're not gonna hear you," Jules snaps.

"Do you have a better idea?" 

Suddenly the latch on the door opens, and a man's face appears; I jump back.

"Shut up, or I'll be coming in there." The man hisses. 

Suddenly the man spins around, and the latch closes.

"What are you doing here?" The man asks.

"Oh, well, you see, I think you should be more worried about him."

I hear a loud thump and a sword dropping, and then there was a sound of keys jangling. They were put into the door. The door swings open to reveal Arthur, Gwen, Elyan, and Merlin.

I smile. "Arthur."

"Your arm," Merlin says, pushing past Gwen and Elyan so he was next to Arthur.

"I'm fine; it's nothing," I say.

Merlin pulls my sleeve up, "Your definition of nothing and mine are very different."

I chuckle at Merlin and hug him. 

"Great, now that the family reunion is over, can we get out of here?" Jules brushes past me and hits my arm in the process.

I groan in pain.

"What's wrong with her?" Merlin asks.

"I really don't want to talk about it. Let's go," I say.

Merlin and Arthur nod, understanding, we run out of the dungeons. I hear Arthur and Merlin stop running. I hit the breaks and turn to them. Arthur started walking away.

"Where are you going?" I ask. 

Gwen, Elyan, and Jules stopped.

"I'm going to get Morgana," Arthur says.

"Alone?" I ask.

He nods.

"You can't go alone," I exclaim.

"I'm sorry, I'm not leaving without her," He walks down the passage then stops.

He turns back to us and runs straight to me, "When you get to the horses, ride straight for Camelot. Do not wait for me. Promise."


"Promise," He says.

I sigh, "I promise."

The three of them start running away. Merlin and I look at each other. We were thinking the same thing.

"Elyan, look after Gwen and Jules," Merlin says.

Elyan nods. Gwen gives us a puzzled look.

"We're going after him," I say.

"But you just promised him," Elyan says.

"Yeah, well, I never listen," I state.

"Good luck," Gwen smiles.

We turn and run in the direction Arthur went. Merlin and I get to the throne room and see a column of fire heading straight for Arthur.

"Miere torr sweoloþhat!" I say.

The column explodes, knocking everyone over and exploding the roof.

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