Chapter 33 ~ Truth about Alice

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Merlin and I tell Arthur everything about Alice. Arthur stands and leaves the room. Merlin and I quickly follow Arthur. We get down to Gaius's chambers, Merlin and I stay out of view while Arthur walks in with two guards.

"You are under arrest for high treason. Take her away." Arthur says. 

A guard walks in and comes back out with Alice in tow. Arthur walks out following the guards and Alice. Merlin and I come into view of the door. We look at Gaius. He looks angry as well as sad.

"We had no choice," Merlin says. "It was either her or you, Gaius."

"It wasn't your choice to make," Gaius says angrily.

"Our choice or not, it was the right one," I say.

 He turns away from us and sits on the bench. Merlin and I head down to the dungeons where Arthur is.

"Do you admit to using magic?" Arthur asks.

"Yes," Alice replies.

"Do you admit to poisoning the king?" Arthur asks.

"Yes yes, but it forced me to do it. It made me." Alice states.

"Who forced you?" Arthur questions.

"The creature. The creature," Alice says quietly.

"You're lying. There's no creature. You're just trying to save your own skin," Arthur says angrily.

Alice shakes her head "No no."

Arthur sighs, "Please. my father is dying. if you've a single shred of goodness within you,  you will tell me how to cure him." 

 "I don't know," Alice says.

Arthur sighs and hits his hand against the cell angrily.

"I don't know!" Alice says again. "I'm so sorry."

Arthur walks away. I turn and follow him, he is holding his arm.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine, Liv," Arthur says.

I walk closer to him and grab his arm, he flinches as I hold it. 

"You're no good to us with a sore hand," I say.

He smiles shortly and then it fades. "I'm worried about my father." 

"He's going to be okay, we will find a way to cure him or Gaius will anyway." 

Merlin walks past us like we weren't even there, I chuckle. 

"I'll see you later," I smile at Arthur then turn and follow Merlin.

We walk to Uther's chambers and see Gaius, looking at Uther.

"How is he?" Merlin asks.

"He's fading," Gaius states looking at us. "He won't last the day."

Gaius look back at Uther. We stand in silence for a while, Gaius looks at us.

"Gaius..." Merlin and I say.

"It's all right, Merlin and Olivia," Gaius says. "I understand. You were only trying to save me from harm. Thank you." Gaius looks at Uther then at us. "But I don't believe Alice wanted this."

"We know she didn't," I say. "The poison, it's from the manticore, the creature that Merlin and I saw in Alice's room."

Gaius looks at us, he walks past us and out the room, Merlin and I glance at each other then follow Gaius. We walk into Gaius's chambers.

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