Chapter 68 ~ Morgana's hut

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Merlin and I stand and walk down to her hut. We walk in, and both go in different directions. We waste no time looking for the serpent. We don't exactly want to run into Morgana. I look back at Merlin, and he pokes a bag hanging. He grunts and gives it a funny look, then continues walking. I chuckle and continue searching. Merlin looks at a shelf and walks straight to him. Did he find it? I walked over to him; there was nothing on the shelf. Suddenly the door opens, and Morgana walks in. Merlin snorts at her, and I scoff. She looks like she saw a ghost. She drops the wood she is holding and backs out the door in a rush, and closes the door. Merlin and I stare at the door in confusion.
Merlin looks back at the shelf. "Ah!"  Merlin walks off to the other shelf. I follow him.
I hear the door open again. I turn and see Morgana walking in wearily. Merlin and I stare at her.
"Back again?" I ask.
"You're not real," She says.
"Whatever you say!" Merlin exclaims. We look at the shelf. I look at a jar with a cloth over it, and there Is hissing coming from it. Merlin and I look at each other. Merlin pulls the cloth off the jar, and as I thought, the snake is in it. Merlin and I look up and see Morgana coming close.
"You're just my imagination," she says in a shaky voice.
Merlin looks at me, then at her, "That's right. We're not really here. Just pretend... that we're not really here. And we'll get this and go."
Merlin picks up the jar, Morgana runs forward. I fling her back into the shelf with my magic.
"Go, go, go, go," I say. Merlin and I head out of the hut. Suddenly we go flying into the air; we hit the floor. Usually, I'd be able to get up right away, but now that I am 80 years old, I am still winded. When Morgana comes into view, I am still lying on the floor next to Merlin, trying to get my breath back.
"So Emrys and Emeri... It seems you won't be my doom after all." Morgana says she lifts her knife.
"Forp fleoge!" Merlin shouts. Morgana gasps and flies back. I stand and pull Merlin up too.
We walk over to Morgana, "If I'm to die by your hands, you can at least tell me who you are. Did Arthur send you?" Merlin and I stare at her, giving no answer, "But you're no friends of his. Magic has no place in Camelot. It never will. Not until I take the throne. Please spare me. I only want what is rightfully mine. Perhaps... it can still be so!" Suddenly the knife comes flying at us. We dodge it then get flung into the air.  I watch Morgana stand and grab the jar.
"Okay, now I'm pissed off." I stand up. "Ic her accigie ænne windraes! Færblæd waw!" Merlin stands and joins me. Our magic is more powerful when we are together. A whirlwind starts forming.  "Windræs ungetermed: ge hier! Ic de bebeod mid ealle strangesse daet du geblawest ond syrmest strange! Gespurn peos haegtesse!" Morgana tries to fight us, but it sucks her up into it and flings her over our heads and onto the floor next to us. 

Merlin and I waste no time getting the snake and leaving. Merlin starts a fire once we get far enough away, and I drink the potion to change me back. I didn't want to stay old a second longer. Merlin opens the jar the snake is in and throws it into the fire.
"Ontend disne wyrm pæt he licge unastyred a butan ende!" Merlin gasps and puts his hand on his neck.
"Is it dead?" I ask. Merlin nods.

We get back to Camelot, and Gaius gets the serpent out of Merlin's neck.
"This is becoming something of a habit," Gaius says.
Merling chuckles, "I hope not."
"Well. Don't worry. It cannot grow back again." Gaius says. He pulls the serpent out and drops it into a jar.
"All good?" I ask.
"Yip. I have no desire to kill Arthur," Merlin says.
"Awesome. But I saw him just before I came here, and I'm afraid he does want to kill you." I say.
I follow Merlin to Arthur's room. There is no way I was going to miss this.
Arthur is sitting at his table and is tapping his fingers against the chair. Merlin stands in front of him, and I stand just to the side.
Arthur stops tapping. "Two whole days in the tavern."
Merlin scoffs. "I'm not quite sure it was that long."
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't get rid of you on the spot," Arthur says. 
Merlin looks at me. I shrug, "Because you would have no one to polish your armour, make your breakfast, organize your clothes."
"Ah, well, that's where you're wrong. George." Arthur says. The same guy that was in Arthur's room (the dorkier version of Merlin) walks in. "Merlin,  meet George. George is perhaps the most efficient servant I've ever seen. He'll be spending the rest of the week teaching you."
"Teaching me?" Merlin asks. I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing.
"If you wish to remain in my service," Arthur smirks.
"We will start in the armoury," George says. "Lesson one is my favourite. Polishing."
Arthur has such a big smile on his face; he is really enjoying this.
"Yes, that's my favourite too," Merlin says. George nods and walks out of the room. Merlin starts walking to the door, then stops and looks at Arthur. "Tell me something." Arthur wipes the smile from his face and looks at Merlin. Merlin walks closer to him, "If he's so good, why don't you just give him the job?" 
Arthur leans toward Merlin, "He's seriously boring. I've never met anyone so dull. The man makes jokes about brass." Arthur hits Merlin on the shoulder, "Anyway, off you go. It'll be fun."
Merlin gives Arthur the fakest smile I've ever seen, then turns and walks out.
Once he was gone, I walk over to Arthur, "You really enjoyed that, didn't you?" 
"Ah, you have no idea how happy that made me," Arthur smiles. He looks at me as if he's realized something, "Where have you been? You've also been gone. Don't say you were in the tavern too."
"I was not in the tavern," I say.
"Then where were you?" He asks.
"I don't have to tell you anything, and I don't work for you." 
Arthur glares at me, "Come on."
"Nope," I start walking to the door, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have got some jokes about brass to make," I smirk at Arthur and walk out the door.

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