Chapter 59 ~ The eggs

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The next morning we head east as the druids said, we get to a small fire but It looks like it's been out for a while.

"He must've left in the night," Arthur says.

"No horse tracks," Gwaine says.

"He's covered them," Leon adds.

"We had him. We were so close," Merlin says. He looks at me, I nod at him we turn and start walking away. 

"Where are you two going? We don't even know which way he went." Arthur says.

"He's heading east," I say glancing back at him.

"How do you know that?" Arthur asks.

Merlin and I stop and look at them.

"Because we can sense it," Merlin says.

"Sense is not a word I associate with you two," Arthur says.

"Hang on," Elyan calls. 

We turn to look at him he's sitting over some horse manure.

"They're right," Elyan says.

"They can't be," Arthur says.

"Well done, Merlin and Liv," Leon smiles.

We all start walking East. Arthur is walking in between us.

"Ever heard of the word 'Sorry'?" Merlin asks.

"No. Is that another word you made up?" Arthur says.

We walk for a while and somehow manage to get close to water.

"It's a dead-end," Arthur says. "That's it. Let's go back."

Merlin and I look at each other then back at the cave.

"What about the cave?" Merlin asks.

Arthur turns and looks at the cave. "We're wasting our time."

"Arthur," Percival says. I walk over to him with Arthur, it is a footprint in the mud.

"Looks like you should listen to us more often," I say.

"Shut up." Arthur starts walking toward the cave with everyone trailing behind. 

As we get into the cave everyone draws their swords. I leave my sword in its sheath.

"There's light ahead," Merlin says.

We get to the end of the cave there is a big waterfall leading outside. Everyone stops.

"What? Scared of getting your hair wet? Come on." I say. I step through the waterfall getting completely soaked to the bone.

"Liv!" Arthur steps through the waterfall right after me.

"See, just water," I say.

Arthur rolls his eyes and walks down the rocks. "Careful it's slippery."

Arthur holds out his hand to help me down, I grab it. He steadies me as I land. Everyone starts coming out.  We walk away from the waterfall.

"No wonder no one's ever found it," Gwaine says.

We head up the hill and out of the forest we walk in the hot sun for a while so we dry off quite quickly. We get up to the top of the forest and see a big tower. That must be it.

I'm the first to start heading toward it quickly followed by Arthur and Merlin.

We get back down into the forest. Suddenly I hear a whoosh of an arrow, Percival shouts in pain.

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