Chapter 45 ~ The Round Table

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It has been a week since Morgana took Camelot. Arthur has been closing himself off to everyone. I've tried talking to him, but he keeps shutting me down, and not in the nicest way. I haven't talked to him for three days. Merlin and I are currently running from Morgana's men. We went out to get supplies. As we are running, three men come from a different direction, causing Merlin and me to split up. Of course, he is going in the right direction, and I am going the complete opposite way to everyone else. "Merlin, If I get caught, don't come for me. I'll be alright!" I shout. I glance back and see the soldiers weren't following me anymore. Suddenly I crash into something. I look forward and see a soldier.

"Morgana would love to see you," The soldier says. He grabs me and pulls me in the direction of Camelot. Once we arrive, they take me to the dungeons and throw me in a cell. A few minutes later, Morgana walks in.

"Ah, Olivia, so lovely to see..." 

"Skip the pleasantries. We both know what you want. You want to know where Arthur is, but unfortunately for you, I will never tell you." 

Morgana sighs, "There are ways for me to find out." She turns and walks out of the cell, "Put him with her."

Two guards come in, dragging Sir Leon with them. They throw him into the cells, shutting and locking the gate behind him. 

He stands up straight and looks at me, "Didn't you escape?"

"Oh, I did. I was just caught again. Apparently, I have the tendencies to run into trouble."

"Do you know where Arthur is? Is he alive?" Leon asks.

"Yes, and yes."

"Where is he?" 

"I won't say, I can't risk anyone hearing."

Leon and I sit down across from each other. We sat there for a while until the cell gate opens and Gwen walks in. Leon and I stand.

"Guinevere," We say.

She hands us each a piece of bread, "It's all I could get."

Leon and I take the bread, "I don't understand. What are you doing here?" Leon asks. I take a bite of the bread.

"Morgana sent me to talk to you two. To make you see sense."  Gwen says. 

Leon and I spit the bread out. We have one thing in common—our hate for Morgana.

"Listen to me," Gwen says.

"I'd..." Leon looks at me. I nod. "We'd rather starve. Guard!"

Gwen steps forward, "I'm to help you escape."

The guard comes to the door, Gwen looks back. "It's all right. Get me some water." The guard stares at her. "The queen has instructed me to get the prisoner's food and water."

The guard turns and walks away; Gwen looks back at us.

"Do you have any idea what she'll do to you if you're caught?" I ask.

"We have to find Arthur," Gwen whispers.

"I know where he is," I state.

"Then I need to get you two out of here," Gwen says.

"How? It's impossible surely," Leon says.

Gwen shakes her head, "I'm a trusted member of the court." She steps closer to us and lowers her voice. "Morgause has the keys to the cell. It's in her chambers." 

"It's too dangerous," I say.

"I have to try," Gwen says. "No one will suspect me."

Gwen turns and walks out the door.  The plan is simple, but suicide. Tomorrow afternoon, Gwen is going to drop a spare key through the small window. Leon and I are going to escape and meet her at her house.

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