Chapter 67 ~ Assasin Merlin

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 I quickly get dressed and run back down the stairs and see Gaius heading to the door. We speed walk to Arthur's chambers. I run in and see Merlin standing over Arthur's bath with a completely melted sword. I grab the huge metal jug again and run forward I hit Merlin over the head. Gaius grabs him as he falls and hides him behind the pillar.
Arthur comes out from the screen, "Is that how you see it Merlin? Olivia!" 
I turn and see Arthur he didn't have anything clothes on, "Arthur!" I chuckle nervously and look  down. Arthur grabs a pillow.
"Gaius," Arthur says. "You're not Merlin."
"No," I shake my head. "There was a problem with the bathwater."
Arthur looks down at the water, "Really?"
"Yes, It's cold. Very cold," I say. Arthur steps toward the water. "Merlin's gone to remedy it. I don't think you can have a bath today!" Arthur looks up at me. I widen my eyes at him then smile. Arthur steps back, "Right. Good job I'm not dirty then."
"Yes, very good," I say. We stand there silently. Arthur slowly backs away and goes behind the screen. I look at Gaius, he nods at Merlin, we carry Merlin out and back to Gaius's chambers.

Gaius is busy with the serpent again. 
"So basically whenever we kill one another one will grow in its place?" I ask.
Gaius nods, "I've heard such stories in the past, but never thought they were true." Gaius dabs the cloth on Merlin's neck, "That will silence it for a while." Gaius takes something else and pulls the lid off, smoke starts emerging from it, he puts it in front of Merlin's nose.
"Ha!" Merlin coughs and lifts his head. He sits up onto his knees, "What is that... Arthur's socks?" Merlin looks from Gaius to me, "What are you trying to do to me? And why does my head hurt so much?"
"I may, or may not have hit you on the head with a jug... twice," I say.
"Why would you do that?" Merlin asks.
"We're trying to stop you from killing the king," Gaius says. 
Merlin chuckles, "Ooh." He puts his hand on the table and looks really dizzy.
"You need to eat," I state.
Gaius gives Merlin some food then we all sit down to talk.
"So, you don't remember anything?" Gaius asks.
"I remember Morgana conjuring the snake, but... nothing more," Merlin explains.
"Lucky for us you're such a bad assassin," Gaius says.
I chuckle, "A really bad one."
Merlin glares at me then looks at Gaius, "But all is well now. I feel fine."
"Yeah, well the serpent gonna wake up and you gonna go all weird Merlin again," I say.
"Well, how do we get rid of it if it keeps growing back?" Merlin asks, we both look at Gaius.
"There's only one way, I'm afraid. You have to kill the mother beast." Gaius states.
"You mean, the creature... that lives in Morgana's hut?" I ask.
Gaius nods. Merlin sighs, "Great. How long have I got? How long before this thing wakes up?"
"A day. No more." Gaius replies. "And I wouldn't face her alone."
"He won't be alone, I'm going with."
Merlin smiles, "And we won't be there, not exactly." Merlin stands and grabs a potion, "She won't recognize us when we're 80 years old."
"Ah geez, I have to do this too now," I say. 
Merlin nods, "It's the only way."
I sigh and stand, I follow Merlin to the door.'
"What should I say if Arthur asks for you?" Gaius asks.
"Uh, tell him we're anywhere." Merlin steps out the door then comes back, "Anywhere but the tavern."

Merlin and I grab our horses and head out into the forest.
"You know where we are going?" I ask.
Merlin nods. We ride for a bit longer when Merlin stops and jumps off his horse.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"We'll change here," Merlin says. I sigh and get off my horse. This is going to be fun.
I follow Merlin into the bushes. He says the spell for both of us seeing that I didn't know it. Once we were changed, it felt like everything hurt. 
"Everything hurts," I complain.
Merlin chuckles. He walks back to his horse and attempts to get on. It was not going well. 
"We did not think this through," I say watching him. Merlin looks at me then continues trying. I hear footsteps come up behind the tree, I duck behind the tree. I peer around it and see Elyan, Leon, Gwaine and Percival.
"Ah." Merlin chuckles. "Gentlemen. What a pleasant surprise."
"I wish we could say the same thing. Move away from the horse. Please." Leon says.
"What lovely manners I always admired a man who says 'please'" Merlin says.
"Now!" Leon draws his sword. Merlin steps forward and the knights slowly surround him.
Merlin looks Percival up and down. "Have you got bigger?"
"You'll be getting shorter if I have my way," Percival says.
Merlin smiles, "Nice. I like it." Merlin spins his head to look at Leon. "Leon, really, there must be something in the knights' code about how to treat an old man." 
"You're not just any old man, though, are you?" Leon asks.
"You escaped the flames once. You won't escape again." Gwaine says.
"So! And you are not what you seem," Merlin says.
Gwaine draws his sword, "What's he talking about? I've a good mind to run you through right now!" Gwaine steps forward.  I was about to step forward to help when Leon lifts his hand.
"I think Arthur would prefer to see him alive." Leon says.
"Oh! Oh, no. Really, Arthur does not want to see me. Believe me." He looks between them, "In fact, if Arthur does see me,  he will be in grave danger."
Elyan draws his sword and points it toward Merlin. "Are you threatening the life of our king?"
Percival touches his sword to Merlin's back. Merlin turns to look at him. "Percival! That is a sword. It does hurt." He looks back to the front, "Yes, I am afraid to say... that if you don't let me go, then there is every chance that I will kill your king!"
"Say that again," Gwaine threatens.
Merlin looks at him, "Why? Have you got ale in your ears?"
Gwaine yells and runs forward. Merlin lifts his hand. "Stop." Percival runs forward, Merlin turns and uses his magic to break Percival's sword. Merlin freezes Percival and Leon crashes them into each other then flings them at Elyan.
I step out from behind the tree, "You enjoy that?"
Merlin smirks and nods. His horse is behind the pile of men. "Ha! Thank you, gentlemen. So considerate to help an old man." Merlin laughs and climbs on his horse.
I move my horse to the pile and use them to climb on. "Thank you kindly."
"Stupid," Merlin cackles.

We arrive at Morgana's hut, and peer down to see the house. The door opens and Agravaine steps out followed by Morgana. My mind was blown Agravaine was the spy in Camelot.  Merlin and I look back to her hut and see Morgana leave. Now was our time to get the motherbeast.

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