Chapter 72 ~ Mary

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Gwen came to me in the morning with a lady from a village her name is Mary. Gwen told me that she needed Arthur's help. Gwen knows I'm close with Arthur, so I am the first person that comes to her mind. Of course, I agree to help. I lead them to Arthur's chambers.  I knock on the door and tell Arthur that Gwen needs help. He tells us to sit down, and Gwen tells him what happened.
"Guinevere informs me that you live in longstead, in the Feorre Mountains. Is that right?" Arthur asks.
"That's right, sire," Mary replies. "Our village. We're blighted by sickness. Three good men it has taken now. We have no physician, sire. It is beyond our understanding."
"I see," Arthur looks at me. I notice Mary look from me to Arthur then looks down at the table.
"Forgive me. I have no right to bring such a small matter before the king." Mary says.
"You have every right." Arthur pulls the chair at the head of the table out and sits down. "It is my responsibility to protect the people of this kingdom, whoever they may be."
"You'll help us?" Mary asks.
"I'll do whatever I can," Arthur says.
Mary looks at Gwen and mouths the words 'Thank you.
Arthur and I head to Gaius's chambers to see if he can help.
"This is the fourth case of sweating sickness I've seen today," Gaius says. I sit down next to Merlin and help him with the man that had the sickness. "In normal circumstances, I'd be happy to travel to this village to investigate, but..."
"Of course. I understand." Arthur says.
"Might I make a suggestion, sire?" Gaius asks. He walks closer to Arthur, "Why not send Merlin and Olivia in my place?" Merlin and I stop what we're doing and look at Gaius."
"Come again?" I ask.
"Merlin? And Olivia?" Arthur asks.
Gaius nods. "Merlin has knowledge of the healing arts. And Olivia knows how to help if he needs it. If the diagnosis is straightforward, they can prescribe a remedy, I'm sure."
"And what if it isn't?" Arthur questions.
"Then he can bring his findings back to me." Gaius states.
"Findings? Merlin can't find his own backside most of the time." Arthur says.
"And me?" I ask.
"No comment," Arthur says. I roll my eyes and turn back to the sick man.
"I think they're capable of much more than you imagine, sire," Gaius says.
Arthur lowers his voice, "You really think they'll be able to handle the responsibility?" Arthur asks.
"Yes, sire, I do," Gaius says 

That night we are all sitting eating dinner, Merlin is reading a book, and Gaius is cutting some bread.
"Do you really think we can do this, Gaius?" Merlin asks.
"I know you can," Gaius replies.
"We're not physicians Gaius, we don't have any of the knowledge you do," I say, joining the conversation.
"You've been working for me for many years, Merlin and Olivia. I suspect the two of you know more than you think you do," Gaius says.
"We just do what you tell us to do. We don't make the decisions ourselves," Merlin states.
"He has a point," I say, backing him up. "These people are putting their lives in our hands."
"I put my life in your hands every day. As does Arthur and Gwen and all of Camelot, though they may not know it," Gaius sits down in front of us. "You're the ones who hold the fate of this kingdom in the balance."
"That's different. That doesn't require a lifetime of learning, just..." Merlin stops
"Intelligence, courage, compassion. All I know is... I have every faith in the two of you." Gaius says. Merlin and I smile at Gaius. He really believes in us.

The next morning Merlin and I are doing the last bit of packing when Gaius walks in.
"Merlin, Olivia," I look over at him and see him holding his medicine bag. "Before you go, you'll need this."
Merlin and I look at each other, then back to Gaius.
"Oh, we can't take that, Gaius. That's your medicine bag," Merlin says.
"I have plenty of spare supplies," Gaius states.
Merlin walks over to him, "Thanks, Gaius."
"Are you ready?" Gaius asks.
I grab my sword and my bag, "Yep."
"As we'll ever be," Merlin says.
We ride out of Camelot with Mary, Gwen, Leon, Gwaine, Percival and Gwaine.
After riding for a while, we stop on a hill. Mary comes to the front.
"My village lies at the foot of those mountains." Mary states.
"With luck, we should be there by nightfall," Leon says. He urges his horse on, followed by the rest of us.

We arrive at the village just before nightfall. All the villagers come out as we arrive. Mary climbs off her horse and goes to a man I assume is her husband, but I could be wrong. Gwen walks over to him and hugs him. She calls him John, so that must be his name.
He looks up. "Where's Gaius?"
Merlin walks over to them with me behind him, "I'm sorry. He was needed in Camelot, but we" Merlin looks at me, "will help in any way that we can."
John looks back at Gwen, "We're living in fear for our lives. We need a skilled physician, not a boy and girl."
Elyan comes from behind us, "Their names are Merlin and Olivia."
"They were appointed acting physician by King Arthur himself," Gwen says.
"Where are they?" I ask.
John points to a house. Merlin and I turn and walk over to the house.  Merlin begins examining the sick people, and I help where I can.
"They're alive, but only just. How long have they been like this?" Merlin asks John.
"Two or three days," he replies. "We've tried to feed them, keep them warm, but nothing seems to make any difference."
"And you've no idea what happened to them?" I ask.
"No. It just strikes suddenly without warning," John replies.
"Well, we need to stimulate the blood flow. A poultice of patchouli oil should work, and a tincture of belladonna to stimulate the heart," Merlin says.
"Will it cure them? Will it... bring them back?" John asks.
"Let's see what the morning brings," Merlin replies. "Right now, we need hot water and plenty of blankets."
Gwen smiles and nods. She and John leave to get some blankets and water. The second they leave, Merlin turns and say a spell. Nothing happens.
"Was something supposed to happen?" I ask.
Merlin nods. A little later that night, Merlin is reading, and I am attempting to sleep but am failing miserably. Suddenly I hear a hissing sound. I stand up and see Merlin is too.
"You hear that?" I whisper.
Merlin nods. We slowly walk to the door. He grabs a fishing rod. 
"Like that's gonna help," I scoff.
"Do you have a better plan?" He asks.
"Fair enough." 
Merlin and I walk out of the house; we hear the noise again. We slowly walk closer, but nothing is there. Then we hear another sound coming from behind the house. I follow Merlin. We stop by a corner and wait. A figure comes out from behind the building. Merlin lifts the rod. I see who it is.
"Gwaine!" I exclaim.
"Sorry. Call of nature," Gwaine says.
"I could have killed you!" Merlin says.
"With a fishing rod? 'Sir Gwaine was slain with a fishing rod.'" Merlin and I laugh at Gwaine's comment. "That's the stuff of legends, eh?" Merlin lifts the fishing rod. "Whoa-ho!" Gwaine smiles then walks off. Merlin follows him. I look around one last time then follow them.

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