Chapter 27 ~ Eye of the Phoenix

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As soon as Arthur left, Merlin and I went straight to Gaius and told him about the bracelet (that had the weird orangey-colored stone) that Morgana gave to Arthur. We started going through some books.

"You sure it wasn't a jewel?" Gaius asks. He holds the book out to Merlin and me. 

We look at the book and shake our heads.

"No, brighter than that," Merlin states. "And you think it was enchanted?"

"There was definitely magic there. I felt it." I look at Merlin. "And I'm sure you did too."

Merlin nods as he flips a page in the book he was going through.

"Are you sure there was magic?" Gaius asks.

Merlin and I nod.

"And if it came from Morgana, it can only mean one thing..." Merlin says.

"Arthur's in danger," I say, finishing Merlin's sentence. 


We gave up going through books in Gaius's chambers and went to the library. We were all looking I'm different places.

"I'm not sure I know where else to look," Gaius says.

"There has to be something," Merlin says.

"We've examined every stone imaginable.  Unless..." Gaius states. 

I turn and watch him walk over to where Merlin is and grab a book. I walk over to Gaius and look at the page he flipped to.

"That's it!" I exclaimed, pointing at a page.

Merlin jumps down from the shelf and walks over to us.

"That is not a stone, Olivia. It's an eye of the phoenix." Gaius says.

"An eye of a what now?" I ask.

"Eye of the phoenix," Gaius repeats.

"The phoenix?" Merlin asks.

"Some call it the firebird. Its eye burns with a fire that consumes the life force of anybody it comes in contact with." Gaius explains.

"Arthur," Merlin and I say.

Gaius nods. "The eye will draw energy from him. If it's worn for too long, Arthur will die."

"That's just great," I say sarcastically.

"We have to go after him," Merlin says.

"This is not a task to be undertaken lightly. You'll need help." Gaius says.

Merlin and I look at each other then run out of the library. We head to Gaius's chambers and start packing bags. Once I was finished packing, I run-up to my room and grab my sword. I quickly get changed into my armor and tie my hair up.

"Liv! Let's go!" Merlin shouts.

I run down the stairs. Merlin was already heading to the door. I grab my bags and follow him out.


Merlin and I stop our horses on top of a hill, looking down on a tavern. 

"Think he'll be here?" I ask.

"Who knows," Merlin says as he urges his horse on, heading down toward the tavern.

Merlin stops and jumps off his horse when he got to the bottom. I jumped down soon after him; we tied our horses to a poll next to another horse whose rider, I assume, is in the tavern. We walk to the tavern and open the door. There was a lot of screaming and shouting coming from inside. Merlin walks in first; he ducks as a glass comes flying at him. I quickly walk in and close the door behind me. 

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