Chapter 77 ~ Wrong turn

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"We're lost aren't we?" Jules asks.

It's been a few weeks since I left Camelot. Arthur hurt me more than words could say and I needed to leave. I'm really happy Jules came with me, it means a lot that she was here with me through it all. I was in a bad space but she made it better. I miss Merlin a lot but I know he understood that I needed my space and time to think.
I look at her then turn back to the front.

 "No" I wasn't about to give Jules the satisfaction of being right about us being lost. I may or may or may not have taken a few wrong turns a while back. I can feel her eyes stinging the back of my head. I glance back and she is staring at me.
"You're lying." She states while still staring at me.
"I am not," I say looking at her. She raises her eyebrows. I sigh "Fine we are lost."
"I knew it. How could you get us lost? I mean you were acting so smart like you knew exactly where we are." Jules rambles. I start tuning out through all of her rambling. I hear sticks breaking and some leaves rustling.
"Shh!" I hiss.
"No, I will not shh. You just hate the fact that you got us lost," Jules says.
"No, I heard something just be quiet," I say. Jules falls silent she is listening too. Some more leaves rustle and sticks break.
"We're not alone," I whisper. As I say that a bunch of men launch out from behind some trees.
"Why did you have to open your big mouth!" Jules exclaims.
"Oh shut up," I grab my sword and start fighting the men. We eventually get off our horses and stand back to back. More and more men start flooding from the trees.  "Jules, there's two many of them. You have to run, I'll hold them off for as long as I can."
"I'm not leaving you," Jules says as she attacks some more of the attackers.
"Stop being so stubborn and just go!" I exclaim. Jules glares at me then runs off into the trees. Two men run after her while the rest of them stay by me. I really hope Julianna can fight the two that went after her off. I fight for as long as I can until I am completely surrounded. I drop my sword in disgust.  "What do you want with me?"
One of the men steps forward. "You are trespassing on King Guion's land. And he wants to talk to you, some of his men saw you enter and said he felt something when you crossed the border."
"I don't want to speak to him," I say with as much poison as I can muster. All the men around me laugh.
"Well too bad he wants to speak to you," The man says. Suddenly someone comes up from behind me and covers my mouth and nose with a cloth. "Sleep well. It's a long ride all the way back to the kingdom." The man whispers right by my ear. Everything starts going black and then I lose all senses and go limp.

~Julianna's pov~

I run for as long as my legs will carry me. I hate that I left Olivia behind but it's what she wanted. My only hope for helping her is getting back to Camelot. 
I don't know how long or far I ran for but before I knew it night has arrived. I want to keep going but my legs will not carry me any further. I sit down against i tree, I really hope Olivia is okay I'll never stop blaming myself if something happens to her.

The next morning I start heading in the direction Camelot is, well where I think Camelot is. I run for what felt like forever but it was only 2 days. I am about to collapse from exhaustion when I see the tip of Camelot through the trees, I have new energy and start sprinting towards Camelot. I get into the courtyard and to my luck, Merlin is walking down the steps to the courtyard. I run straight to him.
"Julianna, what are you doing here? Where's Olivia? What happened?" Merlin asks. Bombarding me with questions. I take a minute to catch my breath then tell him everything that happened with the men attacking us, where we were and how Olivia risked herself getting caught to save me. Merlin is absolutely shocked by everything i just told him.
"We need to speak to Arthur now!" Merlin exclaims. He spins on his heels and starts heading back up the stairs. We find Arthur in the courtroom speaking to the rest of the court about plans he has made. We quickly walk in and stand next to Gaius. He looks at me then at Merlin. He mouths the words 'I'll tell you later' I only hear the last bit of what Arthur was saying. " hand in marriage to Her Royal Highness, Princess Mithian."  I stand there in shock Arthur is to be married? I look over at Merlin he looks just as shocked as me. Everyone begins applauding, Merlin and I stand there still shocked. "Smile."
"He can't mean that," Merlin says.
Gaius looks between the two of us. "And clap. Smile and clap." 
Merlin smiles and starts clapping, he looks at me then bumps me with his arm. I roll my eyes and start smiling and clapping. Everyone starts exiting the room. Merlin, Gaius and I walk over to Arthur. Merlin tells him everything I told him earlier. Arthur stays silent for a few minutes.
"You're sure she was taken and in that area?" Arthur asks. I nod my head. He takes a deep breath. He looks worried. "Why what is that place?"
"It's the Kingdom of Lamont. Home to a not so pleasant King, Guion. Camelot and Lamont are not the best of friends. Olivia will be in grave danger if she is kidnapped by Guion." Arthur looks to some guards at the door. "I want a search party out there right now search every inch of that forest. I want her found" The guard nods then walks away. Arthur looks back at me. "You must be exhausted from travelling so far on foot. Please go rest in a room we'll let you know if there is any news on her." I smile at him. "Thank you." I turn and walk out the door.

~Merlin's Pov~

Arthur and I are walking along the passage from the courtroom. "How come you didn't say anything?"
"That's what 'confidential' means, Merlin... keeping it from blabbermouths like you." Arthur says. I stop walking and watch Arthur. "You can't do this."  Arthur stops walking and looks at me. "No. You're right. I can't. Oh, wait a second. I'm the king, so I can." He continues walking
"Surely it's a little bit..." 
Arthur cuts me off and turns back to me. "A bit what?"  I take a deep breath, Arthur isn't going to like this "Soon?" 
"What do you mean?" Arthur asks. He looks upset.
"Um, well..." I stutter. Arthur doesn't like me talking about her.
"You mean Olivia?" He asks. "I told you not to mention her name again."
"Which is exactly why I didn't," I state. Arthur looks very upset maybe this thing with her getting kidnapped isn't helping. "How many times do I have to tell you? Olivia made her choice, she left me." I know Arthur doesn't mean this I know for a fact that he still loves her.
"But..." I start but again Arthur cuts me off again.
"But what?" Arthur questions.
"Nothing," I exclaim.
"That's right, nothing." Arthur turns and starts walking away.
"Except that you still love her." I say. Arthur stops and walks back to me. He looks extremely mad. "You ever say anything like that again, and I swear you'll join her in leaving Camelot." Arthur turns and storms off. Even I'm struggling with the thought of Olivia being alone in some strange place. We have to find her, I need her back I miss my sister.

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