Chapter 74 ~ Ruined Castle

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Merlin and I are trailing behind the rest of the knights. 
"I would say we could reason with them tell them that Lamia is behind it all. But lets be honest they will never listen to us." I say.
"We won't be able to convince them. It's like they are under an enchantment," Merlin states.
"We have to do something we can't just keep going like this," I state.
"Arthur's our only hope now. We've been gone too long. He must know something's wrong." Merlin says.
"Great plan. Just one problem, how is he going to find us? We are in the middle of nowhere." 
"We need to give him some help," Merlin states.
We walk forward a little more then stop next to a tree. We stop our horses, I jump off and rip a strip of my shirt off and wrap it around a tree. I quickly climb back on my horse and we continue going before the knights notice we stopped. After a while we arrive at the castle that Lamia told the knights about. We get to an opening the knights climb off the horses and light some torches and we walk in with Lamia in front leading us. I see Merlin pull Percival to the side I stop but Merlin just shakes his head so I continue walking. After walking into the caves suddenly a big gust of wind comes out of nowhere and blows all the torches out.
"Is everyone all right?" Leon calls.
"Scin scir," Merlin whispers. His torches lights up again, he walks forward and lights Leon's torch.
Leon looks around, "Where's Lamia?" He walks forward "Lamia!" 
The rest of the knights follow him.
I look at Merlin, "Well, its safe to say they've lost their minds." 
Merlin nods"Come on," He follows behind the knights.  We get into this big open area that has skeletons all over the room.
I look over at Merlin, he looks like he's so done, "What is this place?"
"Whatever it is, it isn't safe," Leon states. "We need to find Lamia. She could be in danger."
"We're the ones in danger, Leon," Merlin hisses. "She's brought us here too... She's led us to a trap."
"That's a lie!" Percival snaps.
"She's poisoned your minds, you just can't see it," I say.
"Enough," Leon says.
"It was Lamia that attacked Elyan!" Merlin says desperately trying to get the knights to see what's actually going on.
Leon spins around "I said enough!" Leon grabs Merlin and pushes him down against the wall.
"Stop! Please!" I shout "Elyan is sick we need to find him somewhere warm."
Leon stares at Merlin he looks like he is shaking with anger suddenly he turns and storms off back the way we came. I wait for the rest to leave then quickly help Merlin up.
"Are you all right?" I ask. 
"I will be once we're out of here." He turns and follows the knights. 
We walk for a while then Gwaine stops "Over here." 
He turns and walks with Elyan into a closed off area. Gwaine leans Elyan down against a wall.
"I'll make a fire," Gwaine says.
"Percival and I will search for Lamia," Leon says.
Leon walks over to us, "You two will stay here, and you will do as Gwaine says. Do I make myself clear?"
"Crystal," I say through gritted teeth. Leon turns and walks off followed by Percival.

Merlin and I stand to the side while Gwaine builds the fire.
"We need more wood," He says. Merlin and I look back at him.
"We'll go get some," Merlin says.
Gwaine laughs, "No. You stay where you are. I'll get it myself. You two are not going anywhere."
"Gwaine please. Listen to us. It isn't safe out there." I say.
"Are you trying to tell me my business?" Gwaine asks.
"No, i'm just..." 
"What?" Gwaine asks.
I step back and slightly to the side so I'm closer to Merlin. "Nothing."
Gwaine swings the torch right past our faces then walks off. I look back to Elyan.
"He's not going to make it if we stay here any longer." I say. "Do you think it's because of our magic that she doesn't effect us?" 
Merlin nods, "What else could it be?"
Suddenly we hear a man screaming in the distance.
Merlin looks at me, "Whatever you do don't leave this room."
"What? Merlin I want to..." 
"Liv, stay here please."  Merlin spins around and walks off before I could argue. I look at Elyan then back to the entrance.
I scoff, "Yeah, like I'm gonna stay here." 
I walk out of the room and hear hissing, I follow the noise and see Gwaine sitting against the wall. He has the same thing as Elyan. I continue to follow the hissing. I get to a passage way. I hear a louder hiss, I run down the passage and stop at the opening, I look into the room and see this huge monster thing emerge from behind a fallen pillar, and Merlin on the ground. I sprint into the room grab Merlin and run out.
"Feall hushefen!" I shout the roof by the door collapses blocking off the entrance.
"What the hell was that?" I ask out of breath.
"That was Lamia, and didn't I tell you to stay in the room?" Merlin asks.
"When do I ever listen to you?" I ask.
Suddenly all the rubble from the roof explodes and Lamia emerges. Merlin and I don't wait for her to get fully out we turn and run for our lives. I was just ahead of Merlin. As I'm running I hear Merlin collapse. I spin around and see one of Lamia's tentacles dragging Merlin toward her. I see a sword on the floor and grab it.
"Let my brother go!" I shout, I run forward and stab Lamia. It did nothing Lamia knocks my sword out of my hand then pushes me to the ground. Merlin pushes me behind him, we start crawling backwards but we weren't going very fast, Lamia is right in front of us in no time. Suddenly she lets out this huge horrid screech then collapses, I watch the creature collapse. Then look up.
"Arthur!" I stand up and run into his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck and his arms go around my waist. I bury my head in his neck. He lifts me up then puts me down.
"You two carry on, don't worry about me," Merlin says.
"Sorry," Arthur walks over to Merlin and helps him up. He chuckles, "It's almost good to see you, Merlin."
"Likewise," Merlin replies.
"Almost," Arthur highlights. He turns and comes back to me. I hug him again. 
"I was so worried," Arthur says.
"I knew you would find us," I smile.  We walk out together his arm around my shoulders and mine on his waist.

We head back to Longstead where Gaius treats all the knights. Merlin and I are just outside of the main house. I'm sitting on the grass while Merlin packs. Arthur comes out of the house after checking on the knights. He walks over to us.
"So, Merlin. Being saved by a woman... that really can't feel good." Arthur says.
"I'm sure he prefers it more than dying," I say.
"Really? Being saved by a woman..." He holds one hand up, "Or dying?" He holds up his other hand. "I'd have to think about that one."
Merlin puts his hand on Arthur's shoulder, "Well, don't think too hard. I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself." Merlin bends down and continues packing.
Arthur's face is priceless. He leans down and punches Merlin then smiles and walks off. I burst out laughing the second Arthur leaves. Merlin smiles at me then starts laughing.

Once back at Camelot I go to Arthur's room as he asked for me. I knock gently on the door.
"Come," Arthur says from inside.
I push open the door and walk in. "You wanted to see me?" 
"Just wanted to make sure you were all right. Been through a lot these past few days."
"I'm fine. I just missed you," I say. I walk closer to him.
"I thought I knew everything about you, Olivia. Your bravery loyalty boldness. But running in front of a monster to save your brother is another thing."
"Yes well, I love him." I say.
"I know, you would put his life before yours and that's why you are so amazing.  You were equal to any knight of Camelot. Im proud of you," Arthur says.
"Really?" I ask. 
"Really," Arthur grabs my hands and kisses me.

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