Chapter 42 ~ Mystery mission

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Merlin and I are standing in the courtroom along with all members of the court. Arthur walks in the room straight to Uther, he has a torn and burned piece of the Camelot cape in his hand, he gives it to Uther.

"It was Cenred who did this... you're certain of this?" Uther asks.

"Yes my lord," Arthur says. "His messenger has only this minute departed Camelot. Cenred said that the patrol trespassed on his land, and an example had to be made."

"How many dead?"  Uther asks.

"All of them, sire... Every last man." Arthur says.

"The knights?" Uther asks.

"All lost," Arthur says, "Edric, Oldoff, Osric... and Sir Leon." 

The whole court gasps. Gaius Merlin and I exchange looks.

Later that night, Sir Leon came back. This is quite weird because he is supposed to be dead, but he returned without a scratch on him.

"We thought you were dead for sure," Arthur says shaking Leon's hand.

"I was dead, or as good as, until the druids found me," Leon says.

Uther's smile fades, "Druids?"

Arthur steps back away from Leon. Merlin and I look at each other then back at all of them.

"Yes, my lord." Leon says, "I owe them my life."

Uther steps forward, "How did they heal you? You were as good as dead, you said."

"I don't know," Leon says.

"Did they use magic?" Uther asks.

"Well, I..."

"Yes or no? It's a simple enough question," Uther says.

"I only know that I drank from some kind of cup," Leon says.

"Cup?" Uther asks.

"It was extraordinary, my Lord. I have known nothing like it. From the moment it touched my lips, I could feel my life return to me." Leon explains.

Everyone seems shocked once he said that.

"Well, your trials have left you weary, I'm sure. We must let him rest." Uther says. He turns and walks out of the room. Morgana has a weird look on her face, which can't be good. Gaius follows Arthur and Leon out of the room, Gaiusis obviously going to check Leon and Arthur wants to make sure he is okay. Merlin and I quickly follow them out.

We wait for Leon to get changed. Uther arrives. Once he has changed the five of us walk into his room. Merlin and I stand at the back by Uther, while Gaius sits on the bed and does all his checks and whatnot Arthur is just behind Gaius.  He checks Leon's eyes then nods. 

"Is that it?" Leon asks.

"That's it," Gaius replies. He turns and looks at Arthur, "He's exhausted, Sire, and severely dehydrated, but give him time, he'll make a full recovery."

"Thank you, Gaius," Arthur says.

Gaius walks out the door followed by Uther. Merlin and I gather Gaius's things and follow them out. Merlin and I walk around the corner and see Gaius and Uther talking. Merlin and I stop and wait a little behind them.

"And the cup he spoke of?" Uther asks.

"From his description, I would say it was the cup of life," Gaius says.

Merlin and I look at each other. I thought we destroyed that damn thing.

Uther steps forward and lowers his voice, he said something on the lines of it being powerful.  I can't exactly hear what he is saying. They said a few more things then both went other ways. Merlin and I quickly follow Gaius to his chambers.

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