Chapter 6 ~ Creature in the Library

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Gaius sent Merlin and I to the library to get him a book. We walk to the desk where the librarian is. Merlin opens up his mouth to speak, but the librarian lifts his hand. Merlin closes his mouth and looks at me; I shrug we wait for the man to do whatever he was doing. He looks at what he was doing and smiles; he puts the pages down and looks at us.

"Yes?" He asks.

Merlin smiles. "Gaius asked us to fetch a book.

He opens the piece of paper Gaius gave him, "The Beastiary of Gwilym of Cambria." 

"The bestiary." The man chuckles. "I haven't seen that for many years. It'll be somewhere in the east wing; I have no idea where,"

"Helpful," I say.

Merlin and I walk off to the right.

"East..." The librarian says.

We stop and look at him.

"Is that way," He points to his right, which was our left.

Merlin looks that way "Yeah," 

"We knew that," I say 

We walk off to the east. I was walking ahead of Merlin. I hear him stop. I look back at him and see him walking down a different aisle. I turn and follow him down.

He stops by one of the shelves and reads the names of the books. 

"Great," He says.

I walk over to him, "What?" 

"It's up there." Merlin points the book.

"Oh, wonderful," I say.

Merlin walks forward and jumps, trying to get it.  I walk and stand next to him.

"Use those legs of yours," I say.

Merlin gives up on jumping and attempts to climb; he steps up on the shelf it pushes down like a lever. The whole shelf moves. I push my body against the shelf it spins around and stops in a different room. We were in a room that looked like no one had been in here for a long time ago. Merlin and I let go of the shelves and walk into the room.

"I wonder when the last someone was in here," I say.

I walk into the room and kick a box. It started growling.

"Boy, Girl." The box growls.

Merlin turns and looks at me. "Did that box just talk?"

Merlin looks at me and kneels next to the box. I kneel next to him and help him lift it. The box has a lock.

"Onluc scrin," Merlin says.

Merlin looks at me, and I open the box lid.

Merlin and I lean in; it looked empty. Suddenly something emerges from the box. Merlin and I fall back and gasp. We stare at the green thing creature that emerged.

"Boo!" He says.

"Boo!" He says

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