Chapter 69 ~ Traitor

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I decide to go with Merlin to wake Arthur up, I don't usually go with them, but I am extremely bored this morning and have nothing better to do. Merlin walks straight for the curtains in Arthur's room and pulls them open.
"Up you get," Merlin says.
"What for?" Arthur asks in a groggy voice.
Merlin walks forward and pulls the blankets off of Arthur. "A bath."
Merlin didn't tell me Arthur had to bathe if he did, I would've stayed with Gaius instead of walking all the way here.
"Where's breakfast?" Arthur asks.
Merlin grabs a piece of bread and climbs onto the bed, "Say 'ah'"
"Ah?" Arthur opens his mouth. Merlin shoves the bread into his mouth.
Arthur makes muffled sounds, then one clearer word, "Merlin!" Arthur pulls the bread out of his mouth.
"I've set aside some practice time," Merlin says.
Arthur seems more awake after getting attacked with bread. "Oh, wonderful. What for? Quarterstaff? Battleaxe?"
"Your speech," I say.
Arthur sits up, "Who to?"
I roll my eyes, "The guide of harness polishers."
"The guild of who? I don't know anything about polishing." Arthur states.
"Fortunately, we do," Merlin says while looking at an extremely long piece of paper.
Arthur stares at it in shock, "That'll take hours to learn."
"That's the speech? Wow, good luck." I say.
"You don't have hours. First, you're to receive Odin's envoy," Merlin says.
"Do I have to give a speech?" Arthur asks.
"No. You have to listen to one. Then you're to inspect the guards, perform a freeman's ceremony... Oh." Merlin clicks his tongue. "And be a judge."
"Preside over a trial?" Arthur asks.
I look over Merlin's shoulder and read the list, "No, a garland competition."
Arthur rolls his eyes and flops down. He rolls over and covers himself with the blanket again, "I never get any time to myself."
"I know.  It's almost like having to work." Merlin walks back to the bed, "Come on. We don't have time for this." Merlin starts pulling the blanket, "Out, out"
"No! no!" Arthur pulls back on the blankets.
"Out of bed," Merlin grabs Arthur and pulls him.
"No!" Arthur complains. Merling pulls him out of bed and onto the floor. 
Merlin lets him go, "You're doing very well, Arthur." Merlin walks off.
"I don't think so," Arthur says from the floor.
"You do know everyone saying it," Merlin says, grabbing a shirt. He walks back to Arthur.
"I'm glad your friends at the tavern approve," Arthur says.
Merlin bends down and pulls Arthur up, "I'm serious. You are becoming a very good king."
Arthur groans as Merlin pulls him up, "Thank you. You're still the worst servant I've ever known."
Merlin hands Arthur then comes back to me by the desk. Someone knocks at the door.
"Enter," Arthur says. Merlin and I busy ourselves with paper and scrolls on the table.
The door opens, and Agravaine walks in, "Good morning, my lord. May I have a word?"
"Of course," Arthur says. 
I glance up and see Agravaine looking at us, "Uh, the matter I wish to discuss is a delicate one, sire. Perhaps it would be better if we talked alone."
Merlin looks up now too. Arthur looks back at us and nods. We look at each other then walk out the door.

Two guards come into Gaius's chambers a little later, saying that the king would like to speak to Gaius. Which I was baffled about. It had to do with Agravaine wanting to talk to Arthur alone. Gaius asked no questions. He stood up and walked with them out the door. Merlin and I wait patiently for Gaius to return. 
When he finally returns, he doesn't say a word about it; Merlin and I look at each other.
"What did Arthur want to talk about?" I ask.
"Agravaine was interrogating me," Gaius replies.
"Why?" Merlin asks. 
Gaius shrugs. After this, we had no further conversation about it.

That night a guard came back and said that Agravaine would like to talk to Merlin and me. I look at Merlin; he shrugs and stands up. I follow him out the door and up to Agravaine's chambers. Once we arrive, Merlin knocks on the door.
"Come in," Agravaine says. Merlin pushes the door open, and we walk in. "Ah, close the door, would you?" 
Merlin turns and closes the door. I wait for him to close it then walk closer to Agravaine.
"Merlin, Olivia, I realize what loyal and trusted servants you two are, so I have a very special errand for you." Agravaine smiles and unravels a dagger from a piece of cloth. He stands and walks over to us, "What do you think?"
Merlin and I look at the dagger and the cover.
"It's beautiful," Merlin says.
"It's a present for Arthur," Agravaine says. "It's been crafted by the sword-smiths of Gedref, but unfortunately, the blade has become somewhat dulled during the journey." Agravaine puts the blade back in its cover, "Would you sharpen it for me?"
"Of course," Merlin says. He takes the dagger. Agravaine smiles and turns. Merlin and I start walking to the door.
"Oh and, leave it for the king to find in the morning, hmm?" Agravaine asks.
Merlin chuckles, "It will be our pleasure." We walk to the door and leave.
Merlin and I sharpen the blade, then take it to Arthur's room. Merlin puts it on the table when suddenly the warning bells go off. Arthur sits bolt upright. He looks at us. We smile at him. Arthur jumps up and grabs a shirt. We follow him out the door. The guard leads us towards Gaius's chambers. Guards were trashing the place.
"What are you doing!" I shout. 
Arthur looks at me, then at Agravaine. "What is the meaning of this?"
"My lord, he was seen riding away from the city," Agravaine says.
"No, that can't be true," Merlin says.
"He wouldn't just leave," I say.
"Sire," Merlin and I turn around and see Leon. He walks over to Agravaine. "You were right. A white stallion has been taken from the royal stables."
"Where would he be going? Why leave at this time of night?" Arthur asks.
"I could hazard a guess, sire, but I think a thorough search of his belongings... May well provide us with the truth." Agravaine says.

The next morning Agravaine brings a bunch of books to Arthur in the courtroom. Arthur looks at them, "And this was found in Gaius's chambers?"
"I am as disappointed as you, sire. Someone so close so trusted... Well, it's not merely the discovery that he was a sorcerer. It's... It's the lies." Agravaine sighs and puts his hand on the table. Everything he is saying isn't true. Okay, well, he did, but there is no way Gaius would leave. "Lies and years of betrayal. I know it's hard to believe, isn't it, sire? But we both saw him refuse to condemn magic. We both knew he was hiding something. Neither of us wants to believe it, but now, with this hasty departure in the middle of the night. These are not the actions of an innocent man, sire. There can be no doubt. Gaius is the traitor." Arthur leans back on his chair. "I'll send out a search party as soon as possible." Agravaine starts walking away.
"No. What purpose will that serve? Let him run." Arthur says.
Agravaine nods and bows, "As you wish, sire." He turns and walks out the door.
Merlin and I watch him leave; I look down at the floor.
"How can you believe this?" Merlin asks.
"I know how you must feel. We questioned him. He's been consorting with sorcerers. He more or less admitted to it." Arthur states.
"And that makes him a traitor?" Merlin asks. I don't even know what to say; I have no words.
"Why run if you have nothing to hide?" Arthur asks.
"He's given his life to this kingdom. He would never betray you." Merlin states.
"Then explain his actions," Arthur says.
Merlin looks at Arthur, "All right. They're lies. Gaius would never run off in the night."
Arthur sighs, "Look, I know it's hard. No break-ins were reported. His possessions are missing. A horse has been stolen."
I look up from the floor. "He wouldn't leave without saying goodbye to us. Traitor or not." I look back at the floor at the feel of my eyes beginning to water.
"Agravaine made this up," Merlin says.
"I shall ignore that last comment," Arthur says.
"Because he's your uncle, you won't see who he really is," Merlin says.
"Merlin!  I've had my heart broken enough already today. I don't want to lose another friend," Arthur snaps. Arthur stands. "Gaius condemned himself. There's no more to be said."
"Great job on trusting him. Agravaine made this story up. And if you can't see that, I can't help." I turn and walk out the door. I refuse to believe that Gaius will leave. This is all fake.

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