Chapter 79 ~ Princess Mithian

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Merlin told me to stay by the window in the passage and watch the courtyard. Which, in my opinion, is very strange, but I still listen to him. I see almost every servant and knight lined up on the castle stairs behind Arthur and Agravaine. I look further ahead and see many knights on horseback walking towards them. My gaze drifts further back, and there is a figure covered in white at the very back. I open the window slightly so I can hear what's happening.
"Knights of Nemeth, Camelot welcomes you... and extends the hand of friendship." Arthur calls. The horses step away, leaving a clear path for the figure covered in white to get to Arthur. The guard leading the figure stops the horse. Arthur walks down the stairs then stops. The figure lifts their veil to reveal a beautiful woman.  The guard helps the woman of the horse. Arthur walks to her. I use my magic so I can hear what they are saying.
"Princess Mithian, you are most welcome," Arthur says.
"Thank you, Your Highness. I've heard much about you." The princess Mithian says. "And you are more handsome in person than reports suggested" Well that was a little forward.
"Um" Is all Arthur can answer with.
"Are we to stay in this chill all day?" Mithian asks. 
"Impatient much?" I mumble.
"Forgive me." Arthur steps to Mithian's side and holds her hand up. "Tomorrow, there will be a great feast... to welcome our worthy friends." Everyone begins applauding. Merlin looks at me. As he does so, I finally understand what is happening. Princess Mithian and Arthur are going to be married. I step back from the window... he's getting married. I can still see through the window. Arthur and Mithian are walking into the castle. If they turn left, they will see me at the top of the stairs. I move away from the window and turn to leave.
"Olivia?" I stop dead in my tracks and turn to face the bottom of the stairs. Arthur.
"Your majesty, Princess Mithian." I do a quick curtsy. 
"When did you get back?" Arthur asks. Mithian is watching him carefully.
"Uh... well." I can't take my eyes off Mithian. Arthur is marrying her.
"She got back a few days ago. But she was out cold only woke up today." I snap out of my trance and see Merlin walking up the stairs to me. He stops next to me and takes my hand.
"We should get going," Merlin says, looking at me then Arthur.
"Of course," Arthur says. Merlin and I quickly turn and walk down the passage straight to Gaius's chambers. 

We are all sitting eating breakfast the next morning, including Jules. None of us has said a word the whole morning. Except for Jules, she is always talking.
"Are you two going to sulk all day?" Gaius asks, looking between the two of us. "You haven't said a word this morning."
"I am not sulking; I am brooding," I state.
"Brooding isn't going to help anything," Jules says before putting a spoon of porridge into her mouth.
"It is Arthur's fate to marry Olivia," Merlin says while staring at his bowl.
"If that's the case, then he will," Gaius replies. They are speaking like I'm not here. 
"I need some air." I stand and walk out of the room.  I walk to the highest wall. It's my favourite spot. I can see everything and be alone. I know I'm the one who left, but it really hurts to know that Arthur has moved on. He is to marry Mithian, who is beautiful and a princess. I'm just a servant.
"Olivia?" The sudden voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I look back and see Gwaine. "Olivia, it is you. I've missed you!"  Gwaine jogs over to me and hugs me. I smile as I hug him back. "When did you get back?" We pull away from our hug. I turn back to the wall and lean on it.
"A few days ago," I say.
"Bad timing to get back with the whole... Arthur thing." 
"Yeah. But I just about had enough of that Guion guy." I say.
"Guion... of Lamont. How did you escape? From what I hear, he is a pretty mean man."
"I have my ways," I say, smirking at him. Gwaine chuckles.
"I'm just glad you're okay. I have to go, but I'll see you tonight." Gwaine smiles.
"The great feast for Princess Mithian," Gwaine explains.
"Oh, right, yeah, see you there."
Gwaine turns on his heel and heads downstairs. Great, now I have a great feast to go to.

Jules and I are sitting in my room after returning from my fresh air.
"I really don't want to go to this thing," I complain while lying on my bed.
"Well, you have to because I made something for us," Jules says, smiling.
"What?" I sit up and look at her. She holds up two beautiful dresses. I stare at them in shock. "You made those?" 
"Yes, now put yours on." Jules orders. I grab it from her as she goes behind the changing screen to put hers on.

 I grab it from her as she goes behind the changing screen to put hers on

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Jules walks in with her dress on

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Jules walks in with her dress on. "You look so beautiful, Liv!" 
"So do you. But do I really have to go to this?" 
"Yes, now come on, we're going to be late." Jules grabs my hand and pulls me to where the feast is. The guards push open the door, and we walk in. The music stops, and so does all the talking. All the heads turn to Jules and me.
"What were you saying about this being a good idea?" I whisper, leaning over to Jules. She ignores my statement, links her arm to mine, and continues walking, pulling me with her. The music and talking resumes. I look around the room and see Gwaine and Percival walking towards us.
"Jules." Gwaine nods at her. "Olivia, so glad you came." 
"Julianna, Olivia." Percival smiles. "Would you like to come to sit with us by the table instead of just standing there?" 
Jules and I look at each other.
"We'd love to," Jules says. We follow Percival and Gwaine back to their seats. I sit next to Gwaine, and Jules sits next to Percival. The four of us begin talking and laughing. It's the most I've smiled in a long time. I'm so glad Gwaine is around to put a smile on my face. After a while of talking, a song comes on that many people stand and go to the area to dance.
Gwaine stands and holds his hand out. "May I please have this dance, Lady Olivia?"
"But of course, Sir Gwaine." So I take Gwaine's hand, stand up, and walk to the dance area with Gwaine. I look back and see Percival and Jules have followed. Much to my disappointment, Mithian and Arthur came to dance too. 

The music begins again, and we all start dancing. It is so fun dancing with Gwaine. He is the perfect distraction from everything that has happened. Everything is perfect until we have to swap dancing partners for a part of the dance. And, of course, I swap with none other than Arthur. We do our part of the dance in silence. My once amazing evening turned upside down with one dance with Arthur. All this is so confusing. I don't know if I still love him or if it's all gone. I finish my part with Arthur and move back to Gwaine.
"Are you okay? I know dancing with Arthur must've been hard." Gwaine asks, looking genuinely concerned.
"Yeah, I'm okay. I have to learn to be okay with it. And being with you tonight has really helped. So thank you." I wrap my arms around his neck.
"Anytime," Gwaine says, hugging me back.  I look up and see Arthur watching us. The song comes to an end. Everyone applauds and goes back to their seats.
"Thank you for the evening, Gwaine, but I think I'm gonna go to my room." 
"Glad I made you feel better." Gwaine kisses my cheek. I turn and walk out of the room. What I said to Gwaine about getting used to Mithian and Arthur is true. If they are getting married and I want to stay in Camelot, I need to get used to the idea of Arthur marrying her.

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