Chapter 41 ~ He was supposed to withdraw

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Merlin is leaning on the ladder staring at... nothing, and I'm sitting on a chair staring at him. I hear the door open. I look to the side and see Gaius. I look back at Merlin.

"I thought you said the boy was going to withdraw," Gaius says.

"That's what we thought," Merlin states.

"We'll have to warn the king," Gaius says.

"No," Merlin and I say.

Gaius looks at us, "Why are you protecting him?" 

Merlin stands up and looks at Gaius, "You know what Uther will do."

"Gilli is using magic for his own gain." Gaius walks toward Merlin, "It's corrupting him. Poisoning him."

"Let us talk to him," I say.

"I fear it's too late," Gaius states.

"Gaius, please." Merlin and I say.

Gaius eyes us out, "I know you are twins and everything but will you stop talking at the same time, please."

I stand up and walk to Gaius, "You taught us what magic was for. You gave us the chance to be the people we are today." 

"We've had you to help us. Give us one more chance to talk to him." Merlin says.

"We'll have to put an end to this," Gaius says. "If he fights tomorrow, either his magic will be found out or worse, the king will die."

Merlin grabs my hand and drags me out the door and toward the inn where Gilli is staying. We walk into the inn and see people surround the middle.

"Now you have asked me, how did he fall on his back?" 

Merlin and I dodge the people and look to the middle. Gilli is sitting on a table telling a story.

"Well, I just tripped him like that." Gilli uses his foot to show how he tripped someone. "Cause I'm strong, you got to realize." Gilli stops when he sees us.

Gilli walks off to his room, followed by Merlin and me.

"What's this about?" Gilli asks.

"Your opponent," Merlin says.

I close the door of the room.

"We thought you might like to know how he is?" Merlin says.

"Is he alright?" Gilli asks.

"Gaius thinks he'll pull through, but he might not have been so lucky," I say angrily.

"It could have been me that got injured," Gilli says.

"We thought you weren't going to fight." Merlin snaps.

"You've seen the way people are now. They're showing me respect. And you don't know what that's like for me." Gilli says.

"We do," Merlin and I say.

Gaius was right. We do talk and say the same things at the same time.

"No. No, no one does," Gilli says.

Merlin and I look at each other then back at Gilli.

"Forbearnan," Merlin says. He closes his hand and walks to Gilli.

I walk forward and stand next to Merlin. Merlin opens his hand, and there is a fire in his hand. Merlin looks at me. I hold out my hand. Merlin focuses on my hand. The flame on his hand disappears and forms in the palm of my hand. Gilli stares at the flame then looks at us. I close my hand, and the fire disappears.

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