Chapter 48 ~ The village

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~Arthur's pov~

After Olivia and Merlin fainted, Jules, Lancelot and I run to them. I kneel next to Liv and pick her up gently. Lancelot lifts Merlin; we follow Gaius to his chambers. We walk into their room. I walk over to Liv's bed and lay her down gently. I brush a strand of hair off her face. I turn and look at Lancelot and Gaius.

"What happened?" Lancelot asks.

"I don't know," Gaius says. He puts his hand on Merlin's forehead, then does the same with Liv. "I've never felt anyone so cold before."

"Will they be alright?" I ask.

"I'll need Hawthorne to improve the blood flow and blankets," Lancelot stands and turns to the door. Gaius looks back at him, "Lots of blankets."

"I must return to the feast." I look at Liv asleep on the bed. "Let me know the moment they improve or wake up."

Gaius nods. I turn and walk out the door, heading back to the feast.

~Olivia's pov~

I wake up to find myself wrapped in blankets. I shiver and pull the blanket closer. I hear the sound of a door opening and closing. I sit up and see Merlin walking out.  I quickly stand with all the blankets wrapped around me and follow him out. I walk down the steps and stand next to him. He looks at me and smiles. Gaius turns around and looks at us.

"Merlin, Olivia, you're awake," Gaius exclaims, "Come sit." Gaius gestures to the bench next to him. Merlin and I walk to him and sit down. Merlin and I are sitting next to each other, and Gaius is next to Merlin. We explain to Gaius what happened.

"When she spoke, her voice... it was though it came from the depths of the earth," Merlin says.

"And her eyes were so sad. They had so much pain in them," I add. I shiver just thinking about it.

"Who is she?" Merlin asks.

"The Cailleach... the gatekeeper to the spirit world," Gaius says. Merlin and I look at each other, then back at Gaius. "On the stroke of midnight on Samhain's eve, the very moment when the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest. It cannot be a coincidence."

"Why were we the only ones who saw her?" I ask.

"You have great powers, Merlin and Olivia. For someone as gifted, such visions are not uncommon." Gaius says.

"I rather have it be uncommon," I mumble.

"But you don't understand it wasn't a vision," Merlin says. "She knew who we were. She called me Emrys and Liv Emeri."

Gaius turns his head and looks at the floor. 

"What is it?" I ask.

"What does it mean?" Merlin asks.

"I'm not sure. But if someone has torn the veil between the worlds, then God help us all," Gaius says.

The next day Merlin and I get up and go to wake Arthur up. We walk into his room; Merlin puts the tray of food on the table with a clatter. 

"Merlin!" Arthur groans.

Merlin and I walk to the curtain and pull them open.

"Merlin, Olivia!" Arthur groans.

We turn and look at him. He has a pillow over his head. "What?" We ask.

There's a knocking on the door. Merlin and I look at the door.

"Merlin, Olivia!" Arthur groans from under the pillow.

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