Chapter 82 ~ He's a simpleton

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After searching for something Arthur can change into, we eventually come across this small house. 
"Ah, perfect," Merlin says, leaning through the gap in the trees. Arthur leans on him and nods. I chuckle at him; I'm not used to Arthur acting like such an idiot. Merlin manoeuvres around Arthur and heads toward the house. Arthur looks at me with this confused look then follows Merlin.

We pass some close to Arthur, who is changing behind the wall. Merlin and I sit down against the opposite side of the wall and wait for him to change.
"In your own time, obviously," Merlin says sarcastically.
Arthur grunts from behind us, "Sorry, Merlin. Some of these things are a little on the tight side."
"Beggars can't be choosers, sire,"  Merlin says.
"No, you're right," Arthur says. Merlin and I stare at each other in shock. Did Arthur agree with Merlin?
"I probably should learn to think before I speak, shouldn't I?" Arthur asks.
"Uh, yeah, I guess that would be a start," I say.
Arthur grunts again. "All done." Arthur comes in front of us. He is wearing these short olive green shorts, a sage shirt, and a brown vest, but everything is too small for him. Merlin and I stare at him in shock, then burst out laughing.
Merlin stands and pulls me up. "Well, Arthur. What can I say? You look like a total turnip-head."
"Well, shall I try something else? There's plenty more here."  Arthur says, gesturing to the pile of clothes.
"No, no. That-That will do absolutely fine." Merlin chuckles. He is having far too much fun with this. "Although, maybe I'll take that." Merlin grabs Arthur's bag of gold.
Arthur reaches for it. "My gold?"
"I think it's probably safer with him," I say.
Arthur's face gets serious, "Of course."

We leave the cottage in the forest and head in the direction of Ealdor.
"Stop." Merlin stops Arthur and me.
"What?" I ask.
"I heard something," Merlin whispers. He looks back at Arthur. "Wait... here."
I follow Merlin; we stop at the top of the hill and see a bunch of people loading some goods into a cart. 
"Liv," I turn around and see a blonde woman holding a sword at Merlin's back. 
"Hello," She says. I move my hand to my sword. Her eyes drift down to my sword. "I wouldn't suggest you do that, or your little friend here isn't going to live much longer." I glare at her and drop my hand to my side. She takes all of us to the cart. "I found them lurking in the woods."
A blonde man with a dagger steps out from behind the tree. "See anything interesting?" 
Merlin shakes his head, "No." The man throws the dagger, and I pull Merlin out the way of the flying dagger. 
"You want to watch where you stick your beak, boy." The man says. He looks me up and down. "Nice reflexes."
I step forward, "Look, we didn't see anything. We are just passing through." 
"They've no horses, no supplies... nothing." The woman who found us tells the man.
"Like to travel light, do you?" The man asks.
"I guess you can say that," I say.
"So, where are you headed?" The man asks, looking Merlin up and down.
"North over the border," Merlin replies.
"Lot's kingdom," The man says. "He doesn't take kindly to strangers, I can tell you ." He walks over to us, "Likes to decorate his fortress with their heads." 
"Then why are you going there?" I ask, stepping closer to him.
"I have my reasons." He says.
Arthur leans over to us, "I agree with them."
"What's wrong with your friend over there?" The man asks.
"He's a simpleton. He can't help it." Merlin says casually.
"Look after him, do you?" He asks. He has a lot of questions for us.
"Without us, he wouldn't last a day," Merlin says. Arthur nods in agreement.
He looks back at the cart, then at us, "Very well. I suppose you can be on your way." He grabs the dagger from the tree behind Merlin then walks off. 
Merlin walks after him, "Could we not come with you?" The man looks at him, "I mean, we would be grateful for the company, to be honest."
Arthur leans forward, "I'm very annoying."
"Please?" Merlin asks.
"Don't push it, boy. You're lucky I let you go with your lives." The man says.
"We can pay you," I say. Merlin looks at me. "With gold."
The woman steps toward us, the man looks at her then back at us, "Well, why didn't you say so before?" Arthur is smiling stupidly, then looks at us and quickly drops the smile. Arthur sits in the cart while Merlin and I walk alongside it. 

After a while of travelling, the cart stops, "We'll make camp here." I turn and look at the camp; when I feel something on my shoulder, I look to my left and see Arthur's leg. Merlin grabs his leg and pushes it back in. We both help Arthur out of the cart. He walks over to a tree and hugs it.
Merlin and I stare at him in confusion.
"What spell did you use on him?"  I ask.
"It was supposed to be something to take away his will for a while."  
"Huh, that went well." Merlin and I turn and start helping unload the stuff from the cart.
I put a bag down and turn and see Merlin with the man and woman. He walks over to me after talking to them.
"What was that about?" I ask as we turn and walk toward Arthur.
"They're smugglers," Merlin whispers.
"What!" I exclaim.
"Shh. Yes, smugglers." 
"Wow, didn't see that coming," I mumble, stopping next to Arthur. He is still hugging the tree.
"Yeah, no kidding." Merlin puts his hands on Arthur's shoulder and directs him to a little area where we sit and make dinner.

"More soup?" Merlin asks. I shake my head, and he nods at Arthur.
"Yes, please," Arthur says. Merlin pours some soup into Merlin's bowl. "Thak you."
"A 'please' and a 'thank you all at the same time. That's amazing." Merlin says.
"Is it?" Arthur asks.
"Oh yeah, your manners, not your strong suit," I say.
"Really?" Arthur asks. "In what way?"
"Rude, thoughtless, insensitive. And that's when you're in a good mood." Merlin says, listing all the ways manners are not his strong suit.
"I'm sorry to hear that," Arthur says. I'm shocked Arthur has never said sorry for that before. I mean, it's getting weird now.
"Arthur, I don't think you realize how hard Merlin works for you. I know you're the king, but it would be nice... for him." I say, putting my bowl of food down.
"Sorry to have been a disappointment, Merlin and Olivia. I'll try harder in the future." 
Merlin looks up from the floor. "Oh, I look forward to that." Merlin looks at our plates. "On the other hand, why wait?" Merlin grabs my bowl, puts it in his, and hands it to Arthur. "That pot will need rinsing out as well." 
"Of course." Arthur nods.
"And when you're down with that, the horses need a rubdown too," Merlin says. I roll my eyes. Merlin is so taking advantage of this.
"My pleasure." Arthur stands up, grabs the pot, and looks at us in confusion.
Merlin points to where Arthur has to go, "Over there." He starts walking. As he walks through the plants, I hear a loud clatter of the pot and a thump of Arthur hitting the ground. I bite my tongue to hold in the laughter.
"You alright?" I ask.
"Yeah." He calls he stands and walks off. I chuckle and lie down next to Merlin. As I'm falling asleep I feel Merlin cover me with a blanket, he kisses me on the forehead. I turn on my side and drift off to sleep.

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