Chapter 24 ~ The tunnels

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Merlin, Arthur, and I were creeping along the rocks on the shore below the castle. 

Arthur stops behind a rock and crouches. Merlin and I stop behind him.

"Are you sure we shouldn't try to sneak into the castle itself?" Merlin asks. "It might be easier."

"No, the tunnels are a better bet," Arthur says. "That way, the element of surprise is guaranteed."

Arthur tries to get up, but Merlin grabs him.

"No, no," Merlin says.

"Are you questioning my judgment?" Arthur asks.

"No, no, it's just an instinct," Merlin says. "That's all."

Merlin looks at me; he widens his eyes and nods at Arthur.

"Maybe, Merlin's right," I say. "Maybe we should go into the castle itself."

"And what's your excuse?" Arthur asks.

"Instinct too, I, guess," I say.

"Well, if you two have got an instinct, we should ignore my lifetime of military experience," Arthur says.

"What if Cenred knows about the tunnels?" Merlin asks.

"I'm willing to bet my life he doesn't," Arthur stands and grabs Merlin and me.


We meet with Morgana and Gwen by the rocks that were below the castle. Arthur suddenly stops, and I crash into him.

"Why'd you stop?"  I ask.

"We are at the tunnels," He replies.

Arthur jumps down from the rocks and walks into the tunnel, then stops and looks at us. I stop next to him.

"Stay close," Arthur says.

He continues walking. I follow him with Gwen and Merlin behind Morgana and me behind him. We get further into the tunnel. There were spiderwebs everywhere.

"If a spider gets on my face, I'm out," I hiss as Arthur pushes a web to the side.

"Scared of spiders?" Arthur asks.

"Maybe," I whisper as I duck under a web.

Merlin starts coughing and making noises. I look back at him and see a web all over his face. I laugh as he battles with the web to get it off his face.

"Stop worrying about your hair, Merlin," Arthur says.

I turn back to him and watch him pull a big web out of the way.

"Very funny," Merlin says.

"It's a good sign. It means that no one's been down here," Arthur states.

I was walking a little behind Arthur and the rest were behind us. Suddenly a earsplitting scream echoed through the cave, I spin around and see a skeleton infront of Gwen. I close my eyes and sigh. I turn back around and see Arthur light his torch, Merlin holds up his torch and Arthur lights it with his. Once we could actually see where we were going there were skeletons everywhere.

"Caerleon's last stand," Arthur says.

"Where's Morgana?" Merlin asks.

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