Chapter 57 ~ Julius Borden

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It was late night and Merlin and I wake up to the sound of banging on the door in the main chambers. Merlin and I look at each other. Merlin stands and walks to the door, I quickly stand and go over to him.

"Why are you here?" Gaius asks.

"Please. I could do with drying myself by your fire." 

Merlin and I peer through the crack in the door. There is a young man standing by the door. Gaius steps aside and lets him in.

"You have a nerve coming back here. You left me in a lot of trouble." Gaius states.

"Yeah. Sorry about that. What can I say? Execution didn't really appeal to me." The man turns to look at Gaius. "Don't pretend you supported Uther."

"Tell me why you're here," Gaius says  

The man pulls something out of his pocket. He shows it to Gaius, he steps forward and looks at it.

"Save your eyesight, Gaius. It's the triskelion of Ashkanar." The man says.

"You're sure?" Gaius asks.

"I'm certain." He says.

Gaius grabs it "Let me see" He walks to the table grabs his magnifying glass and looks it over. "This is a druid tongue. The bind runes are in threes. That's rare."

Merlin and I catch a glance at the triskelion, it was gold and there were two swirls on the side, it looks like it is missing a piece.

"I can save you the trouble. They guide the bearer to the tomb of Ashkanar." The man explains. Gaius turns and looks at him. "Yes. We both know the legend." He looks up to our door. We quickly move out of the way. "We both know what he hid there."

"Dragon's egg," Gaius says.  "And you have come to steal it?"

Merlin and I look at each other.

"I wouldn't say steal." The man says.

"You're forgetting one thing. You're missing a part of the triskelion." Gaius says handing it back to him.

"Oh, no. I know where that bit is." He says.

"Where?" Gaius asks.

The man looks down. "In the vaults beneath your feet."

 "In Camelot?" Gaius asks.

"Where it has lain safe and secure for the last 400 years." The man states.

"And you want me to help you to get it?"

"We could bring this noble creature back to life."

Gaius sighs, "I want no part of your plan."

"You don't want to release the last living dragon?"

"The old ways should be left to die." Gaius states.

 "Well, that's not what you taught me." He says.

"It's what I feel now. I believe in the King that Arthur will become and the future he will build."

"Think about it." The man says.

"I've given you my answer," Gaius says. "Now I think you should leave Camelot... sooner rather than later. Arthur may not be his father, but he is no friend of the old ways." Gaius opens the door.

The man turns and walks to the door. "You'll find me in the tavern in the lower town. Take your time. Oh. Gaius, I know I caused you trouble before, but I'm a changed man. Believe me." He walks out the door.

 Gaius closes it behind him. The second he was gone Merlin and I go running down the stairs.

"Who was that?" We ask.

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