Chapter 55 ~ Uther

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Once we arrive back in Camelot, Merlin and I head to Gaius's chambers. Merlin goes sprinting in, and I stroll along behind him.

"Merlin, Olivia!" Gaius exclaims, "I thought something had happened."

"Apart from Arthur thinking there's something very wrong with my bladder, everything went to plan." Merlin starts grabbing books from shelves.

"I take it that this means you two are going through with it," Gaius says. 

Merlin looks at Gaius and comes toward us. "If I can heal Uther, Arthur has given me his word... that when he is king, magic will no longer be outlawed. This could change everything."

"What if something goes wrong?" Gaius asks. "What of Arthur's attitude to magic then?"

"Gaius, we live with the risk of getting exposed every day. If we have even the slightest chance to try to change his mind, we have to take it," I say. "Not that I'll be helping very much."

"Everyone's always telling us we have this great destiny. Maybe this is it. We have to try." Merlin says. He turns and walks up to our room. 

I look at Gaius then quickly follow Merlin up to help him find a spell. Merlin is paging through books in a panic. We haven't been able to find a spell. Gaius walks into the room.

"I promised Arthur I could heal Uther, and we can't even find the right spell," Merlin says.

"That's because you're reading the wrong books. Here." Gaius hands a book to Merlin. "Gwillem of Cambria was as mad as a coot, but there was never a better healer."

Merlin reads the page, "Gaius, thank you." He runs out the door.

"Thank you, Gaius," I turn on my heel and follow Merlin out.

We start preparing the spell. Merlin was getting ready to put some drops of something or other into the tincture.

"You must only use four drops. Any more could be dangerous." Gaius states.

"I just hope I can remember the spell," Merlin says

"Trust yourself, Mer," I say.

"Merlin!" Arthur shouts from a distance.

"You have to get rid of him," Merlin says.

"Merlin!" Arthur shouts again.

The door opens. I casually start mixing the tincture, and Gaius grabs the book.

"Arthur." Gaius and I say.

"Olivia." he smiles. "Gaius, have you seen my useless toad of a servant?"

"I'm afraid not," Gaius says.

"Liv?" Arthur asks.

I shake my head. "Haven't seen him."

"Where on earth is he?" Arthur asks.

Gaius and I look at each other then back at Arthur.

"Have you tried the tavern?" Gaius asks.

"The tavern. Of course. I am going to make him wish; he was never born. Liv, you coming?" Arthur asks.

"Yeah," I start walking out the door, following Arthur. "Good luck," I whisper as I walk past the door closing it behind me.

Arthur and I head to the gate to wait for the sorcerer. We stand there for a while.  I hear a noise behind me. Arthur heard it too. We turn around and see the sorcerer.

"I'd started to think you weren't coming," Arthur says.

"I gave you my word." Old Merlin states. "And here I am."

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