Chapter 37 ~ He's confessed

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~Olivia's pov~ 

I am standing in my cell, attempting to look through the small window that looks out into the courtyard, but unfortunately, I'm too short.  I give up and sit down on the mattress. As soon as I sit down, a guard comes to my cell. He opens it wide and steps away.

"You're free to go," He says.

My eyes widen. I am not gonna question it; I quickly stand up and run out of the cells. I get all the way to the top and see Gauis walking towards me and Arthur walking the other away. 

"Gaius!" I smile.

"Liv, I'm so happy you're free." 

"Where's Merlin?" I ask.

"About that..." 


"I think I should just show you."

Gaius starts walking toward the dungeons.

"You've got to be kidding me. I just got out of that place."

Gaius looks at me and shrugs, "Come on."

I roll my eyes and follow. We get to a cell with an old man in it.

"Merlin," Gaius whispers.

"Merlin!" I exclaim.

"Shhhh!" Gaius hisses.

The man Gaius says is Merlin turns around and looks at us. I look into his face.

"Merlin..." I whisper. 

"What happened?" Gaius asks.

Merlin walks to us, "I can't break the spell, Gaius. It's too powerful."

"You'll have to try again," Gaius says.

"I have tried. It's no good. I'm stuck like this." Merlin says.

"Not for long, Uther will have you burned at the stake," Gaius says.

"Okay, What!" I ask angrily.

Gaius looks at me, "Merlin cast an ageing spell so no one would recognize him, then went to Arthur's room and planted an identical poultice. Arthur caught him and took him to the king, Merlin confessed it was all him, and you had nothing to do with any of it, so he had to release you, and now Merlin is going to be burnt at the stake instead of you." 

"Wow," I turn to Merlin, "I didn't get released so that you can die now. There has to be another way to break the spell," I say, turning to Gaius.

"There's only one thing I can think of," Gaius says.

"What is it?" Merlin and I ask.

"In the book of Galah, there's an antidote that can undo such ageing spells," Gaius replies.

"How long will it take to make this antidote," Merlin asks.

"Longer than I fear you have," Gaius states. He begins walking out.

"Merlin, by as much time as possible, we'll get it to you in time." I squeeze his hand and walk after Gaius.

"How do I do that?" Merlin calls after me.

I stop and walk back to him, "I have no idea. Think of something useful with that brain of yours." I turn and walk away.

Gaius and I head back to his chambers and begin working on the potion; we've been working all night. He keeps measuring the colours on the book, but none of them is right. Gaius sighs and pours out the mixture yet again.

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