Chapter 78 ~ Guion of Lamont

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I eventually start waking up. There is a bag on my face. I can feel that I'm on a horse. Where I am, I have no idea. And how long I have been out. I can feel the horse start to slow down. I guess we have arrived. The person sitting behind me climbs off then pulls me off. He holds my arm tightly and starts pulling me along. We walk for a while when I eventually get pushed onto my knees, and the bag is pulled off my face. I blink my eyes so they can adjust to the light. Once I can see properly I look up and see a man on a throne. 
He leans forward on the throne, "Well, well, well. Hello Olivia."
"Who are you? How do you know my name? Where are we?" I ask, looking around, trying to take in all my surroundings.
"Well, that's a lot of questions. I am King Guion of Lamont. I know you because you and your brother have a great destiny. I have been told all the prophecies many times." Guion explains, answering all my questions.
"You're a sorcerer..." I say quietly.
"Well done. You are very smart. Which means you'll be smart enough to agree to work with me. Together we can take over the world. Destroy anyone who hates magic." Guion stands and starts walking toward me. He has a dagger in his hand.
"I will never join you," I say with as much poison as I can muster.
He stops right in front of me and bends down right in front of me. He stares at me. "Who hurt you? Is that why you were here with your little friend." He runs the blunt side of his dagger along my face "Trying to outrun the heartbreak?"
"No, I ended up here by making a continuous line of bad decisions. And I was trying to be nice but if that knife doesn't leave my face soon I will be forced to end you." I say calmly. 
Guion starts laughing, "Feisty one, I like it. Take her to the dungeons." 
One of the guards come up behind me he pulls me up by arm very tightly. I'm gonna have a bruise tomorrow. He takes me down to the dungeons and pushes me into the cell and locks it behind me. 

~Merlin's pov~

Gaius and I are sitting at the table in silence. I can't stop thinking about Olivia. What if she isn't okay what if someone has hurt her.
"I just want her home safe. I should never have let her leave, I should never have let her come to Camelot in the first place she should have stayed in Ealdor!" I exclaim.  I put my face in my hands.
"She wouldn't have stayed in Ealdor. We both know that. You can't blame yourself for this. You know she wanted to leave it was her choice." Gaius says calmly, trying his hardest to reassure me.
"This is my fault. I'm her brother! I should have... I should have protected her. I should've been there." I stand and walk toward the door.
"Where are you going?" Gaius calls after me.
"To speak to Arthur." I open the door and walk to Arthur's room.

I walk into Arthur's room and see him looking out the window.
He glances back at me, "Any news?"
I shake my head, he looks back out the window, "The guards searched as far as the river, to where Jules saw her lost. There hasn't been any sign of her."
Arthur walks to the table and sits down he puts his face in his hands.
"Arthur, what's the matter?" I ask edging closer to him.
He lifts his head and looks at me. "I did this. This is my fault. She left because of me."  
"Arthur, you were enchanted. You have a good heart don't blame yourself for what happened. You had no idea what you were doing. You can't blame yourself."
"I could've been more careful. I know she left and I have moved on but I will never forgive myself if anything happens to her. Princess Mithian is coming soon, I need Olivia found so I can concentrate on Mithian."
I nod at him and bow. Then turn and walk out of the room. At least I'm not the only one who blames myself for what has happened.

~Olivia's Pov~

I have been sitting in the same cell for a couple of days. Guion visits me every day and asks if I have reconsidered his offer of being a team, and every day I say no. Eventually, Guion is going to lose patience and he somehow knew who I am. So many questions are running through my brain I didn't realise Guion is at the cell gate.
"Have you thought any further about my offer?" Guion asks. I jump at the sudden noise.
"I guess you never learn, so let me make this easier for you. I will never join you." I say standing and leaning against the wall. I stare at him still wondering how he knew who I am.
Guion narrows his eyes at me, "You have something to ask me. Go on then ask away." 
I sigh and walk closer to the bars. "How did you know who I am?
"I felt the presence of great magic when you crossed the border. I wasn't sure until I saw you. My men didn't know who they were bringing to me. Tell me where is your brother?" Guion replies. I have to admit I am quite shocked at the straightforward answer.
"Yeah no I'm never gonna tell you where he is, but I do appreciate the straightforward answer though," I say smirking at him.
"Then I have no further use of you." Guion turns on his heel and walks off.
I have just about enough of this. I blow off the back wall. Guion comes running back.
"Well this has been a pleasure. But I will be leaving now." I turn and run out of the blown up wall. I don't even think, I sprint in the direction of Camelot. I ran for as long as possible I recognised the area I am in. It is where Jules and I got split up. I eventually collapse from exhaustion. Then... nothing.

I open my eyes and look around. I'm in my room in... Camelot. I stand up and walk down to the main room. I look around the room and see Merlin talking to Gaius. He sees me and nods at me. Merlin spins around and looks at me.
"Liv! You're awake!" Merlin runs to me and wraps his arms around me. Gaius comes next and gives me a hug.
"How did you find me?" I ask. Last thing I remember before I woke up is collapsing by the river.
"Julianna. She told us where she last saw you and there have been guards out there ever since." Merlin explains. Suddenly the door opens and Julianna walks in.
"Olivia! You're okay!" She runs and hugs me. "I just wish you didn't come back right now."
"Why? What's going on?" I ask. Looking between Merlin, Gaius and Julianna.
"I think we should just show you. Come on." Merlin says he starts walking to the door followed by me, Julianna and Gaius.

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