Chapter 17 ~ Lord Godwyn

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Today a king was coming to visit Camelot. He was apparently a strong ally of Camelot.

Merlin and I walk into the throne room behind Arthur. I felt very special even though I wasn't his servant; I could still walk with them to all this formal stuff.

"Arthur, it's an exciting day," Uther says.

Merlin and I stop below the stairs as Arthur walks up both of them and stands next to Uther.

"The arrival of Lord Godwyn is always a cause for celebration," Arthur says.

"And Princess Elena," Uther says.

Arthur smiles at him, then looks away, "Yes."

I was standing closer to the stairs. Merlin was on the other side of me.

"I hear she's something of a beauty," Uther says.

Arthur raises his eyebrows. "Really?"

"Oh, yes... Beautiful, charming witty," Uther says. "Strategic."

Arthur has a puzzled look on his face and looks at Uther. "Strategic?"

Arthur looks to the front.

"I have always thought so. We have always thought so... That is, Lord Godwyn and myself. That is, he finds you strategic, not Princess Elena," Uther says.

He seemed to be trouble getting his words out. Arthur turns back to him.

"He finds me strategic?" Arthur asks.

"Oh yes," Uther replies.

"And beautiful?" 

Uther looks at Arthur and realizes what he said.

The door opened, and Lord Godwyn, his daughter, who had fair blonde hair that looked like a mess, wore a yellow dress and white heels. And another woman, which I assume is Elena's servant. Arthur and Uther look at the door.

Arthur leans to Uther. "Father, what are you trying to say?"

"Lord Godwyn is a serious ally. The strength of such a match cannot be underestimated." Uther says.

"Please tell me you mean a jousting match," Arthur says.

"I mean a love match," Uther says.


"Not love... love has nothing to do with it," Uther says. "The other bit."

I look at Merlin, he shrugs.

Arthur shakes his head and looks at Uther.

"You know, a permanent union," Uther says.

"Marriage?" Arthur hisses.

"I knew you'd understand," Uther says as he walks down the steps. "Godwyn!" 

"Uther!" Godwyn smiles.

The two of them laugh and hug. Arthur looks around the room; he looks like he doesn't know what to do with himself.

"Ohh, it's been too long," Godwyn says.

Arthur walks down the steps and stops next to Merlin and me.

"Princess Elena, you are most welcome," Uther says.

Elena smiles and walks forward. She trips and falls onto her stomach. Merlin, Arthur and I look down at her in sync. The crowd gasps, and Elena grunts.

Arthur was walking with Gwen, Merlin and I were trailing behind them. Merlin was dragging there bags.

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