Chapter 75 ~ Lancelot returns.

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I am busy walking through the castle heading back to Gaius's chambers when suddenly, hands cover my eyes. I stop dead in my tracks.
"I have a surprise for you," I hear Arthur whisper. I smile and wait for him; he covers my eyes with a blindfold. He takes my hand and starts leading me somewhere. Once we stop, he takes off my blindfold. I open my eyes and see a room filled with candles.
I stare at the room in shock, "Arthur, what is all this?"
He takes my hand and leads me to the middle of the room. He shows me to a chair. I sit down, and he kneels in front of me.
"Olivia, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" Arthur asks. 
I stare at Arthur in shock. "Yes. Yes. yes, yes." 
Arthur smiles brightly. He grabs my hand gently and slips a ring onto my finger. I look down at my hand. It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. 

The next day has been super busy

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The next day has been super busy. We have this ceremonial joust thing to celebrate our engagement. Arthur just finished his round; the crowd erupts with applause. Arthur trots to the front of where I am sitting. I stand and walk down to him; he lifts his joust so I can grab this circle ribbon thing. Arthur smiles at me then walks out. I do appreciate this, but it's rather boring. I get two full days of sweaty men knocking the sense out of each other, every girl's dream.
Percival trots forward and does the same as Arthur does.
"Thank you, Percival." I smile.
I sit back down on the chair next to Julianna. Merlin comes over to me.
"How are you going here?" Merlin asks.
I lean over to Merlin and Julianna, "Why am I sitting here watching sweaty men hit each other?" I whisper.
"Arthur says its tradition." Merlin states.
"He could've given her flowers. That's pretty traditional.
"I have to keep accepting ribbons. I mean, I know it's tradition, but two full days of this, really?" I say.
Merlin chuckles. Horns blow as the next rider enters. Merlin and I look at the rider.
"Who on earth is that?" I ask.
"I have no idea," Merlin says. The rider gets the ribbon then trots over to me. I stand and step down, he lifts the lance, and I grab the ribbon from him. He lifts his helmet to reveal Lancelot. I look back at Julianna. She looks just as shocked as I am. 
"Did you know he was here?" I ask.
"No," She replies, still staring at Lancelot.

That evening all the knights, Agravaine, Arthur and I, have dinner with Lancelot. I arranged for Julianna to help with the dinner so she could hear what Lancelot had to say.
"I fear I remember very little after the moment I stepped through the veil. My story will not be as illuminating as I would like." Lancelot says.
"We're just pleased to see you," Arthur says. "Well, pleased and amazed."
"I owe everything to the Madhavi people. When they found me, I was near death. Luckily for me, their customs dictate... that they must give food and shelter to the needy." Lancelot chuckles, "And I was certainly that."
I look back and see Merlin and Julianna whispering to each other.
"Where did they find you?" Leon asks.
"On one of the Silk Road passes high in the Feorre Mountains," Lancelot replies.
"Cenred's kingdom," Elyan says.
"I travelled with them for many weeks, deep into the deserts of the south," Lancelot continues. "Then slowly, my strengths returned. When I was able, I earned my passage the only way I know how... by the sword." Everyone around the table chuckles. "Then I slowly made my way north."
"You made your way home," Arthur says. He grabs my hand. "We can't thank you enough for what you sacrificed... on the Isle of the Blessed. It will be remembered always."
Lancelot sighs, "It is indeed good to see you once again." He stands up. "I would like to propose a toast... To the people, I hold most dear. To Camelot." 

The next day I see Arthur walking down the hall. "You ready for the last day of celebration?" He asks.
"Oh yeah, can't wait," I look down at Arthur's hand and see a new ring on his finger. "What's that?"
"Oh, it's a gift from Lancelot." He says. 
"It's really nice," I say.
"Yeah, well, I will see you out there," He kisses me on my cheek then walks off. 
The second last day of sweaty men hitting each other is here; this was proper jousting now. It was a very long day, that's all I have to say.

That evening Merlin, Gaius was eating dinner together. I, on the other hand, was fast asleep on my bed. I am so exhausted after today that the second my head touched the pillow, I was out cold.

Another day of jousting so lovely. I look down and see Arthur and Gwen together. She is helping him with his Armour. I smile. It is really nice of her to help. The finals come around; it is Arthur against Lancelot. They charge Lancelot, hits Arthur in the arm. Arthur leans forward and holds his arm. I stand and watch him. He grabs another lance. Trust Arthur to continue even though he's injured. Arthur rides along his Lance is fallen to the side, he isn't even aiming for Lancelot. Luckily Lancelot notices and lifts his Lance. They stop their horses and climb off, they come to the middle and speak to each other, they then turn to me, and everyone applauds.

I am woken up in the middle of the night by Agravaine. I look at him, "Olivia come." 
I kick my blankets off and grab a jacket. I follow Agravaine cautiously down the hall. He leads me to the throne room. He stops at the door and gestures for me to go in. I walk in and see Arthur kissing Gwen. I step back and feel tears rolling down my face. I hear footsteps. I look to my side and see Merlin. He grabbed my hand; I feel better knowing he was with me.
"Arthur..." I say quietly.
"Liv.. Liv, I can explain." He steps towards me.
"Don't! Just stay away!" I step away and walk out of the room.

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