Chapter 8 ~ Gaius is a Goblin

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After the meeting, Merlin and I waited for Gaius in the chambers. He came walking into the room, laughing. Merlin and I were glaring at him, angrily with our hands crossed.

"Tell me you didn't think that was funny." Gaius says as he walks closer, "Not even a little bit? Just a teeny weeny bit?"

"If you carry on like this, you're going to get Gaius killed," Merlin states.

"Merlin, Olivia, you underestimate me. I have cured Uther of his farting and his baldness. He is, he tells me, forever in my debt. I am a genius." Gaius smiles.

"This needs to stop," I say.

"I see no reason why. Now, if you're quite finished, I'm going to the tavern." Gaius says as he turns to the door.

"Bord, wipstand hine!" Merlin says.

The door swings shut. 

Gaius stops and turns to us. "Well, well, well. So you have a secret of your own, Merlin." 

"Leave his body, or you will regret it," Merlin says.

"Your magic may be powerful, but I have an advantage," Gaius says.

"And what's that?" I ask 

"I can hurt you..."  A dagger lifts and flies straight for my brother.

"Culter, ic pe hate!" I say quickly, I lift my hand, and the dagger stops before it hits Merlin.

"So you both have a secret," Gaius says.

I make the sword turn and fly straight to Gaius; I make it stop inches from his face.

"...Whereas you cannot hurt me without hurting Gaius," He states.

I lower my hand so the dagger falls.

Merlin steps forward. "We won't rest till we've found a way to force you out of Gaius's body." 

Merlin walks forward to the door; I quickly follow him out.

Merlin and I walk to Arthur's room. We were going to tell him about Gaius... being a Goblin.

Merlin pops his head into the room. "Arthur."

There was no answer. Merlin backs up and closes the door; we walk down the passage to the left just before we turn. I saw Arthur out of the corner of my eye. I grab Merlin's arm, and we turn to Arthur; he was walking with two guards next to him.

"Arthur, we have to talk to you," Merlin says.

We walk over to him and stop in front of him; Arthur looks upset.

"Arrest them," Arthur says to the guards.

"What!?" Merlin and I ask.

One guard grabs Merlin, and the other grabs me.

"Arthur, what are you doing?" I ask.

 Arthur doesn't say anything; he just takes us to Uther. Gaius was standing next to him.

"Is it true?" Uther asks.

"Is what true?" I ask.

"That you are responsible for the afflictions that I nad other members of the court have suffered?" Uther asks.

"What?" Merlin and I say.

Merlin looks at Gaius, "No."

"Gaius," Uther says.

Gaius turns and grabs something of the chair, "I found this in your room. It's a book of spells and enchantments."

"He's lying," I say.

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