Chapter 86 ~ Taking back Camelot.

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Later that night, Merlin and I walk over to Arthur, wandering around looking at everyone. He seems troubled.
"You all right?" Merlin asks. 
"Yes," Arthur replies casually.
"Do you think there are too many of them?" Merlin asks.
"The Southrons are men like you and me. Men, we can fight. But Morganna-- her power is so great, and we've got nothing to answer it with." Arthur says we continue walking.
"We never finished Gaius's story," Merlin says. Arthur and I stop and look at him.
"We didn't?" I ask. Merlin gives me a look, "We didn't."
"Not now, guys, please," Arthur says. He is not in the mood for our stories.
"Will you just listen?" Merlin asks. "When the sword was thrust into the stone, the ancient king foretold that one day it would be freed again at a time when Camelot needed it most. The man who freed it would unite the land of Albion and rule over the greatest kingdom the world has ever known. That man is you, Arthur."
Arthur stares at us, "You're making this up."
"Why would we do that? Your head's already as big as your waist. Believe it, though." Merlin says.
"And we believe in you," I state.  "Always have." I kiss Arthur on the cheek then walk off with Merlin. 

A little later, Merlin and I are sitting by the fire; we are both deep in thought.  Suddenly something comes to my mind. I look at Merlin, and he's looking at me.
"I know how to stop Morgana." We say I sync. Merlin and I smile then tell each other our plans which is practically the same thing. We make our game plan the sneak off to Camelot to stop Morgana. We sneak into the bottom entrance and transform ourselves into 80 years old. We walk up the stairs in the direction of Morgana's room. We walk past a door and see Morgana. We dash down the hall, so much for sneaking in unnoticed. I pull Merlin behind a wall. All the guards run down the passage; once they are gone, we walk down the passage to Morgana's room. Merlin and I fling our hands up, knocking out two guards that came from behind us. We slip into Morgana's room. Merlin casts the spell. Once we're done, we head into the hall and take the guards we knocked out uniforms. Merlin and I disappear out of Camelot unnoticed and head back to camp.

The next morning Arthur snaps us out of our daze. "Wakey, wakey. You look like you've been up half the night."
"We were," I reply.
"Couldn't sleep," Merlin adds.
"I thought you said you had faith in me," Arthur says.
"Now, whatever got you that idea?" I ask. Arthur shrugs and walks off. Everyone starts preparing to take back Camelot. We all meet up with Arthur. He lifts his sword into the air then starts running for Camelot. Once we arrive at Camelot, we all split up. Merlin, Arthur,  and I stick together. Then, we make our way to the throne room, meeting up with Isolde and Tristan on the way. Finally, we turn a corner and see five men guarding the throne room.
"One each. Pick your man." Arthur says. "On me!" We head forward and fight all five. Arthur walks over to Merlin and me. "You know, this thing's not bad."
"Thought you might like it," Merlin says.
Arthur moves to the door and looks at all of us, "Ready?" We all nod.
"For the love of Camelot!" We are all shots. Arthur runs and crashes into the door, pushing it open. We all run through the door then hit the breaks. Morgana and Helios are the only people in the room.
"Welcome, dear brother. It's been far too long." Morgana says. She stands up from the throne and starts walking to us. Arthur walks to her. "I apologize if you had a difficult reception. It's hard to know who to trust these days."
Arthur stops right in front of her and puts his sword away. "What happened to you, Morgana? I thought we were friends."
"As did I. But alas, we were both wrong." Morgana says.
"You can't blame me for my father's sins," Arthur says.
"It's a little late for that." Morgana states. "You've made it clear how you feel about me and my kind. You're not as different from Uther as you'd like to think."
"Nor are you." Arthur retaliates. 
Morgana's face stiffens. "I'm going to enjoy killing you, Arthur Pendragon." Morgana begins backing away, "Not even Emrys can save you now." Arthur backs up and draws his sword. "Your blades cannot stop me. Morgana says a spell, but nothing happens. Merlin and I have evil smirks laced across our faces. She lifts her hand and tries again. She looks at her hands and backs away.
"Not so powerful now, my lady," Arthur says. Helios pulls Morgana back.  She runs out of the room. "After her!"  Merlin and I run after her. We split up so we could find her faster. I turn into a room, and Morgana emerges from the shadows. I look over at her. She's holding her side.
"Not so high and mighty without your powers, I see," I say. She glares at me and swings her sword at me. "So much hatred in your eyes. We used to be friends. What did I do to make you hate me so much?"
"It's not what you did. It's what you're destined to do. And I'm sorry, Olivia, but I can never let that happen." She says while trying to get me to lose grip of my sword.  We are standing close to each other with our swords held together. Suddenly the ceiling begins to fall. I jump out the way falling to the floor, and Morgana flies back.
Merlin appears from behind me. He pulls me up, "You alright?" I nod. We walk forward to the rubble. Morgana is nowhere to be seen. 
"Come on," I say. Merlin and I turn and head back to the throne room. 
We walk into the room, and I see Tristan sitting on the floor, holding Isolde in his arms.
"I wish..." Isolde says, struggling to talk.
"I wish too." Tristan nods.
"Hold me," Isolde says. Tristan tightens his grip on her. She lets out a breath and closes her eyes. I look up to Arthur and see him leaning against the pillar with tears in his eyes. I glance back at Tristan and see him kiss Isolde; he buries his head in Isolde's shoulder. I walk over to Arthur and wrap my arms around him.

After everything, I go out onto the wall and stare out over Camelot. I hear footsteps coming behind me, then arms wrap around my waist.  I glance back and see Arthur. I turn around, so I'm facing him.
"Liv," Arthur says. I look up into his deep blue eyes. "I don't ever want to lose you." He stares at me, examining my face. "Will you marry me?"
The biggest smile spreads across my face. "Yes. Yes, with all my heart. All I am." Arthur grabs my hand and slips the ring back on my finger. 
I look down at it. "I thought I lost it." I look back up at him.
He wraps his arms around my waist again and pulls me into a kiss.

A few days later, I begin walking down the carpet between all the knights and nobles

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A few days later, I begin walking down the carpet between all the knights and nobles. My heart is racing. I focus my eyes on Arthur at the end of the room. I get to the end of the room and kneel on the pillow on the steps. I look up at Arthur, and he has the biggest smile on his face. A servant walks to Arthur with the crown on a pillow. The crown is beautiful. It is gold with purple jewels going around it.
Arthur grabs the crown and holds it out in front of him. "By the sacred laws vested in me..." He looks down at me. "I crown you, Olivia..." He lowers the crown onto my head. "Queen of Camelot." He holds out his hands, I grab them, and he pulls me up. I step up next to him. We lean forward and kiss. At that moment, not another thing in the world mattered to me other than Arthur. I pull away from him and smile. We turn to the crowd. Arthur holds my hand up.
"Long live the queen!" Arthur calls.
Everyone begins chanting, "Long live the queen." I look around the room. My eyes rest on Merlin. He has the biggest proud older brother look on his face.
Finally everything seems right with the world.

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