Chapter 56 ~ Coronation

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After making sure Arthur is okay, I  head to Gaius's chambers to check on Merlin. I open the door and walk-in.

"-It's been enchanted," Gaius says.

"What has?" I ask 

"This necklace, I found it around Uther's neck," Gaius explains.

I walk forward and look at the necklace along with Merlin.

"And such an enchantment would reverse the effects of your healing spell," Gaius states. "Uther didn't stand a chance."

"Morgana," Merlin and I say.

"I believe so," Gaius nods.

A little while later, I stand up, announcing that I'm going to check on Arthur.

"I'll come with," Merlin says.

Merlin and I  head up to Arthur's room. Merlin opens the door and steps in, and I close it behind me.  Arthur is sitting on the chair with his head resting on the back.

"I am so sorry," Merlin says. "I sh- I  sh-- I wish that there was something I.. we could have done."

"Merlin, no one but me is to blame for this," Arthur says.

"You can't blame yourself," I say. "This what happened. It wasn't your fault."

"I'm entirely to blame. My father spent 20 years fighting magic. To think  I knew better." Arthur says. "I was so arrogant. That arrogance cost my father his life."

"You were only doing what you thought was right. That old sorcerer meant no harm." Merlin says. "Uther was dying. Maybe nothing could have saved him."

"We'll never know." Arthur sighs. "All I know for sure is that I've lost both my parents to magic. It is pure evil. I'll never lose sight of that again."

Someone knocks on the door. Arthur stands and walks to the door and leaves the room. Once Arthur is gone, Merlin lets out a breath.

"Liv, I'm so sorry. I ruined our chance of being able to be free and not live in fear." 

"Mer, you can't blame yourself. This was Morgana's doing."

"We could've used our magic freely and be free."

"Well, nothing has changed, we will just have to be careful, and we will just live in the shadows until it is the right time for us to reveal our magic, and we will do it together as it has always been."

"Thank you, Liv; I love you."

I walk over to Merlin and hug him.

"I love you too, Mer. Now, let's go be there for Arthur."


Merlin and Gaius pull the door open for Arthur to go in and pay his final respects to his father. As he walks in, Gaius and Merlin close the door. Merlin walks out and sits on the wall outside. Gaius and I sit on either side of him.

"We must leave him to mourn," Gaius says.

Merlin and I stay silent.

"Merlin?" Liv?" Gaius asks.

"This is all my fault," Merlin says. "I killed him."

"You did not kill Uther. Morgana did." Gaius says.

"That's exactly what I said,"  I say. Gaius looks at me. "Not the time, sorry."

"Uther's spirit died when she broke his heart. We must look to the future." Gaius says. "Uther's death will allow Arthur's progression to the throne. We must hope it brings peace and stability to the land."

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