Chapter 84 ~ The caves

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Agravaine's men are still hot on our heels. 
"I'll cover our tracks. You guys go on," Merlin says. I stare at him with worried eyes. "I'll be okay."
Arthur, Tristan, Isolde, and I run into the cave. I stop by the mouth of the cave and wait for Merlin. I look up and see the dragon flying toward Agravaine's men. Merlin runs into the cave.
"Good thinking," I say. We run to catch up to the rest.
"Did you lose them?" Arthur asks once we catch up to them.
"We're safe," Merlin replies.
"You're sure?" Arthur asks. 
"Do I look like an idiot?" Merlin asks. 
"Yes," Arthur and I reply. I follow Merlin into the cave. We look at both the directions we can go.
"Which way now?" Arthur asks.  We both look through the different tunnels we can go down. "I thought you said you grew up in these tunnels."
"We did," Merlin replies. "It's just... it could be that way." He points down a tunnel.
"Or it could be that way," I say, pointing down the other path. 
"That's very reassuring," Arthur says. Merlin starts walking down his tunnel, the rest of us follow him. We walk down the cave for a while when we hear clattering behind us. We all stop in our tracks and look back.
"I thought you said we'd lost them," Arthur says at the back of the line.
"I thought I had," Merlin says from beside me.
"It won't take long for them to catch us," Tristan explains.
"We'll go back," I say. Merlin follows behind me as I head back.
"What are you two going to do?" Arthur asks. 
"Create a diversion," I say. 
Arthur grabs my hand as I walk past him, "It's too risky."
"We know these tunnels. Agravaine doesn't. You keep going." Merlin says. He gives Arthur his torch.
"Merlin, Liv." Arthur looks between the two of us. "Don't do anything stupid."
"Us?" Merlin asks. We head to the back of the tunnels. We hear clattering coming from just ahead of us. Merlin and I look at each other.
"Together?" I ask.
"Together." Merlin nods. We step out from the side tunnel where Agravaine and the few of his men that were left after the dragon.
"Oh, Hello!" Merlin calls. They all look at us then start running, and Merlin and I duck into a tunnel. We run further down and reach a dead end.
"Maybe we don't know these tunnels as well anymore." I say as we stare at the dead end.
"Merlin! Olivia!" Agravaine calls. We slowly turn around and face them. "Where's Arthur?"
"Be careful," Merlin says.
"What are you talking about?" Agravine asks, with a confused look on his face. "Where's Arthur?" He asks again. "Tell me. Now. Or I'll have to kill you both."
"I don't think so," I say, staring at Agraviane with a blank expression.
"Ah." Agravaine starts walking toward us. Merlin and I both nod our heads at them.  They all go flying back into the air. 
"Well, that was effective," I say. Merlin and I start walking back when Agravaine begins coughing and gasping. He sits up and looks at us.
"You two have magic," Agravaine says.
"We were born with it," Merlin says.
Agravaine stands. "So it's you. You're Emrys and Emeri."
"That is what the druids call us," I say, staring at him.
"And you've been at court all this time, eh? At Arthur's side. You were going to marry him." Agravaine says with shock. "How you've managed to deceive him." He chuckles. "I'm impressed. Perhaps we're more alike than you think." He starts walking toward us. Merlin lifts his hand. Agravaine stops in his tracks. Merlin slowly lowers his hand. Agravaine suddenly swings the knife at Merlin. I lift my hand. Agravaine flies back. He lets out a breath and goes silent. Merlin and I stare at him for a second, then head back to where we saw Arthur and the rest last. We walk down the tunnel.
"Merlin! Olivia!" Arthur steps out from behind the wall.  "Where have you been?"
"Were you worried about us?" Merlin asks.
"No," Arthur says casually. "I was making sure we weren't being followed."
"Uh-huh, sure. You came back for us." I say.
"All right. It's true. I came back 'cause you're the only friend I have, and I couldn't bear to lose you. And Liv. I still love you, and I can't imagine my world without you." Arthur says. His words hit me, which made me realise I still love him. I step forward and kiss him. At that moment, everything in the world seemed right. He pulls away from me. 
"So you forgive me?" Arthur asks.
"Yes, I forgive you, you idiot," I say. I glance at Merlin, and he has the biggest smile on his face. I grab Arthur's hand, and we begin walking back to the others. We walk to the end of the cave.
"So, where now?" Tristan asks. 
"To the plains beyond the mountains," Arthur says, looking up at the mountains.
"You sure?" Tristan asks. "That's Lot's kingdom. He's no friend of the Pendragons."
"Well, maybe we could find somewhere here—a place to rest," Isolde suggests.
"We're fugitives a danger to anyone who harbours us," I state
"She's right; we should travel back toward Camelot," Merlin says.
"No, we need to keep going," Arthur says.
"If we hole up in the Forest of Ascetir, we'll be safe for at least a while," Merlin says.
"No." Arthur shakes his head.
"Arthur, if anyone survived the battle, that is where they will be." I point out.
"I know which I'd do," Tristan says. "You're the king, Arthur. You're our leader."
"All right. Forest of Ascetir it is." Arthur agrees finally. We all start walking down the hill and head back in the direction of Camelot. 

~Authors note~

I'm sorry this chapter has been jam-packed with school and stuff. I am trying to upload more often. 
Also, thank you guys so much for all the support on my book. It means the world to me. Xoxo

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