Chapter 35 ~ Our date

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Merlin leads me out into the forest. We get deeper into the forest by a small river. Arthur is standing on the other side of it. He is busy fixing his hair using his reflection from a plate. Merlin and I both start giggling. It took all my will power not to burst out laughing. Apart from Arthur admiring himself in the mirror, everything was beautiful; there were blankets and pillows set up around a field of flowers, with some food on the side.

"Shh," Merlin hushes. He cups his hands over his mouth and mimics a noise of a bird.

Arthur drops the plate and spins around; he looks so stupid. Merlin and I both start laughing. Merlin and I walk down the little hill to the river.

"Olivia, you look..." Arthur stops and just looks at me. I raise my eyebrows.

"I think he's trying to say you look nice," Merlin says.

I chuckle. Trust Merlin to break the silence.

"Thank you, Merlin. That'll be all." Arthur says.

Merlin squeezes my hand and starts walking away, "Have fun."

I step onto the rocks and start walking across the river. Arthur holds out his hand, I grab it, and he helps me across. Arthur and I sit down on the blanket.

"This is so beautiful," I say. Arthur smiles.

I lean forward and grab a plate. Arthur grabs it from me. "Nope, not today. I will be doing all of this for us."

"Wow, you dishing up food that's new," I smirk.

"Careful, I'm the one handling the food. You may not get any." 

"No, I'm sorry, please don't take the food away," I pout.

Arthur chuckles. "I won't, don't worry."

"Is it weird? Being away from Camelot?" I ask.

"I love Camelot more than I can say," Arthur starts putting food onto the plates. "But when I'm there, sometimes I feel I can hardly breathe; everyone expects so much of me. Being here with you, I can be myself."

"Well, I'm glad you can be yourself around me."

"Sometimes, I dream of leaving Camelot." 

"Where would you go?" I ask.

"I don't know. Somewhere where nobody knew who I was.  I'd get some land and become a farmer." 

I burst out laughing, "I'm sorry" I stop laughing, "I just can't see you working all day in the fields."

"Obviously, I'd take Merlin with me. He can do all the hard work."

"Oh, I'm sure he will absolutely love that." I laugh.

Arthur passes me a plate of food.

"Thank you."

After we ate we lay back on the pillows and just talked, it is the best feeling to talk to Arthur and not have to worry about anyone seeing us.

"We should head back soon," I say.

"We can stay a while longer. Don't know when we'll have the chance to do this again."

 "Maybe when you become a farmer, we can get together more often."

"That's just a dream. I fear I will never leave Camelot. Stay still."

"Why?" I ask nervously.

Arthur sits up slowly and reaches toward his sword; he suddenly swings his arm forward. I duck down. Arthur leans back down casually, "A wasp."

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