Chapter 20 ~ Royal wedding

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Gaius and I walk into Elena's room. She pops her head out from behind a curtain.

"Grunhilda?" She asks.

"No, just us," I say.

"Where has she gone? I'm getting married in less than an hour," Elena says.

Suddenly we can hear Merlin staff then Grunhilda scream.

"What was that?" Elena asks.

I look at Gaius.

Uh, preparation for the wedding," Gaius says.

The staff zaps, and Grunhilda grunts again.

"Everybody's very excited," Gaius says. "But you must be nervous."

Elena sits down on her bed, "I'm a little flustered."

"Well, it is to be expected on anyone's wedding day," I say.

"And, just as we thought. We brought you a tonic to calm your nerves," Gaius walks over to Elena and holds the tonic out to her.

"You are very kind," Elena grabs the tonic; she opens it and takes a tiny sip, then stops. "I cannot believe this is actually my wedding day.

"Best drink it all for the full effect," Gaius says.

"Oh," She drinks a tiny bit then stops, "I really wish my mother was here."

Gaius walks forward and sits down next to her, "Try another sip."

I hear the door open, and Merlin walks in.

"Okay, that's it." I walk forward and grab the tonic from Elena, "This is going to make you feel a whole lot better," I hold her nose and pour the tonic down her throat.

She swallows it then falls back onto the bed. Her stomach starts making noises. She shakes and gags. Her face turns blue like a Sidhe; then the fairy flies out. The fairy flies past us. Merlin spins around and shoots it with the staff.

"Nice," I say.

Elena sits up slowly.

"Thataway, my dear. I think you must've fainted. Such excitement," Gaius says.

"Fainted? I feel amazing," Elena stands, "I haven't felt this good in years. Where is Grunhilda?"

The three of us look at each other then back at Elena. 

"We'll look into it," We say.

We left Elena to get ready, Gaius and I left to the room where the marriage was taking place, Merlin went to help Arthur with something or other.

~Merlin's pov~

 I walk into the side room Arthur was standing in. His back was facing me.

"I brought you your ceremonial sword," I say.

"Is that for me to fall on?" Arthur asks.

"Hopefully not," I reply. 

I could see Arthur was upset, "What's wrong?"

"You wouldn't understand, Merlin,"  Arthur says. "You have no idea what it's like to have a destiny you can't escape."

"Destinies are troublesome things."

Arthur turns to me, he holds his hand out. I pass him his sword.

"You feel trapped. Like your whole life has been planned out for you, and you've got no control over anything, and sometimes you don't even know if a destiny decided is really the best thing at all," I say.

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