Chapter 65 ~ Surpise ambush

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We are heading back from a mission.. Arthur is riding up ahead of us. He is heading to the Valley of the fallen kings. Merlin and I look at each other then ride up to Arthur. "You are not serious," Merlin says.
"What else do you have in mind?" Arthur asks.
"I don't know anything," I say.
"Nothing ever good happens in the Valley of the Fallen Kings." Merlin points out. "No one in their right mind will go in there." 
"Exactly," Percival says.
I look at him. "Are you serious." I turn to Gwaine, "Is he serious?"
Gwaine shrugs. "He's serious."
"The route's a secret. That's why we chose it." As Arthur said that about twenty bandits come bounding down the hill yelling.
"You were saying? Not so secret after all." I say drawing my sword
Arthur pulls off his cape, "No need to get cocky."
More bandits come on  horseback. We all start fighting i turn to look at Arthur, he gets pulled off his horse by a  bandit. I jump off and go help him.  I attack one of the other ones coming for Arthur. He looks at me and nods. I turn around after attacking someone and see Merlin lying on the ground.
"Merlin!" I run forward and fall to my knees by Merlin. Arthur comes right behind me, i look up at him. "Is he going to be alright?" 
Before Arthur could answer some more bandits are seen at the top of the hill. "We need to get him out of here." Arthur grabs Merlin's arm and lifts him up. I grab his arm and put it over my shoulder, once Merlin was secure we quickly make a break for it. 

"Over here," Arthur whispers. We duck behind a big tree, Arthur and I put Merlin down then lean back. Two bandits walk just behind the trees.
"They need to work through their anger," Merlin says.
"They just did. On you." Arthur says truthfully.
I look at Merlin, "He's got a point."  Merlin chuckles. We wait for a while to make sure the bandits were gone. Once Arthur was sure they were gone we lift Merlin again and continue walking. 
We have been walking for a while it was already night.
"A night's rest and you'll be polishing my armor," Arthur says in attempt of reassuring Merlin. "It could definitely do with a scrub."
Merlin grunts we set him down against a log. Arthur looks at the wound, he glance at me then Merlin. He sighs, "I've seen worse. Definitely seen worse."
"On a dead man," Merlin smiles.
"You're not going to die, Merlin. Don't be such a coward," Arthur says. I suck in a shaky breath. Arthur looks at me he grabs my hand. I sit down next to Arthur still holding his hand.
"If I do die, will you call me a hero?" Merlin asks.
"Probably," Arthur says.
"But whilst I'm still alive, I'm a coward." Merlin says.
"That the way these things work I'm afraid. You get the glory when you're not around to appreciate it." Arthur replies.
Merlin scoffs, "Unless you're the king."
"Come on, it's gotta have some advantages," Arthur says. 
"You have a very good servant," Merlin laughs then quickly stops it must've hurt his word.
"You're right. I do. A servant who is extremely brave... and incredibly loyal, to be honest. Not at all cowardly." Arthur says. I smile at him and squeeze his hand gently.
"Thank you. Both of you, for saving my life," Merlin says.
"You'd do the same for us," Arthur points out. We sit there in silence after that. I feel my eyes begin to get heavy, I put my head on Arthur's shoulder and close my eyes. I feel Arthur move, he was now on the log, I move my head down and lie on his chest.
"Jokes on you, i get a soft pillow." I whisper.
Arthur smiles, "Well i get to have you right here and that's all i need."

I wake up to feeling Arthur gently shaking me, as I come into consciousness i hear voices. I jump up quickly followed by Arthur.
"I'd love to say we can stay and rest, but anoth 10 minutes...we'll be mercenary mincemeat." Arthur grabs Merlin and slings him over his shoulder.
"Leave me," Merlin groans.
"Now's not the time for jokes," Arthur says.
"Please leave me," Merlin says.
"Sure, whatever you say." Arthur says. I draw my sword and follow Arthur.
We get to a small canyon between two cliffs. I look ahead and see a mercenary. "You've got to be joking."
"What?" Arthur asks. I point too the two mercenary. Arthur quickly puts Merlin down. "Stay here." He runs ahead and takes on of them out. Another one comes from my side. I back up so we're away from Merlin then fight the mercenary. I take him out the another one comes. Arthur and I swap sides and take each other's one out. We turn around and see about six of them running from Merlin's side. Suddenly huge rocks start falling down.
"Merlin!" Arthur and I shout. I stand there in shock. "Olivia!" I feel Arthur grab me around my waist and pull me out of the way of a falling rock. 
"Merlin!" I try pull out of Arthur's grip. "Let me go i need to help Merlin."
"Liv, Liv!" I stop struggling and look at Arthur. "We will find him but right now we need to get back to Camelot."
I sigh and nod at him. I take one last glance at the rock fall then turn and follow Arthur. We walk for a while when we hear a stick break. Arthur pulls me behind a tree. "Stay behind me," He whispers. Leon walks past the tree and spins around Arthur blocks Leon's sword with no effort.  "Nice to see you too." I sigh i relief and step out from behind Arthur. Gwaine hugs me, then Percival does the same. We ride back to Camelot and head straight to the court room. I stand there while everyone pours some water. Arthur holds out a glass of water to me. I smile at him and grab it. "Where's Merlin?"
I turn around and see Gaius. "He's alive," Arthur says. "Last we saw of him, he was still alive."
Arthur turns to Leon, "Dispatch patrols at first light. Scour every inch of that forest." 
"Yes, sire." Leon says.
"I'm going with," I begin walking with Leon.
Arthur grabs my arm gently. "I need you here where you are safe." He looks at me and Gaius. "We'll find him. We will."

The next evening I am standing just next to Arthur's chair in the court room.
"We have scoured the entire forest," Agravaine says.
"Scour it again," Arthur says.
"Sire, there is no sign of Merlin." Leon says.
Agravaine walks over to Arthur, "None but this." He puts a piece of fabric from Merlin's jacket on the table. "I'm sorry you've lost such a loyal and..." Arthur puts his hand up stopping Agravaine.
"No," I shake my head, "No, i refuse to believe he's dead." 
I turn and walk out of the room. I refuse to believe he's dead. I am going to find him tomorrow.

The next morning I head straight to Arthur's room already dressed in my armour. I walk in and see Arthur lying in bed and a servant standing by Arthur that kinda looks like a much dorkier form of Merlin. I stop at the door and watch.
"What's your name?" Arthur asks.
The servant grabs a napkin and unrolls it, "George, sire, at your service."
Arthur sits up, George puts the napkin over Arthur's chest.
"George. Listen, George it's all very impressive. Very impressive indeed. But I already have a manservant. All right, he's shabby-looking, has appalling manners." George puts a glass in Arthur's hand. "He's extremely forgetful. He seems to spend most of his time in the tavern." George is puts a plate in Arthur's hand, he looks at them in confusion. "But he is... my manservant." Arthur gives the plate and glass back to George, "To be honest I quite like it that way." Arthur jumps up. And goes behind his screen to get dressed. I walk into the room.
"You can go, Arthur won't be needing your... help." I say. George looked very confused, "Run along." George puts the plate and glass down and walks off. I turn and look at the table packed with food, "Don't mind if i do." I grab a some bread a few grapes and an apple. I turn around and see Arthur looking at me. "I'm not doing anything." I look at the food in my hands and put it behind me.
"How long have you been here?" Arthur asks. "And where are you going?"
"Long enough and i am going to find my brother," I reply, "You coming?"
Arthur smiles at me and grabs his sword and cape, "Lets go."
We head down to the courtyard and our horses are already waiting along with Gwaine.
"How'd you?" Arthur asks.
"I knew you would've come with anyway, Gwaine heard me talking to Gaius and insisted on coming," I climb onto my horse. Arthur does the same.
"You know me too well," Arthur smiles then urges his horse on. Gwaine and i do the same, we canter out of Camelot and go to find Merlin.

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