Chapter 64 ~ One on one combat

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The next morning Arthur tells the knights his plan. "But, sire, we can win this battle. I know we can," Leon says.
"I don't doubt it. But at what cost? How many men would be slaughtered?" Arthur asks.
"And what if we were to lose this trial? We can't give up our land." Elyan says. He was making a point but Arthur's mind was made.
"That's the deal I've struck. I believe it to be fair. I'll stand by it." Arthur says. Like I thought Arthur's mind was made.
"Well, then all that remains, my lord is for you to choose your champion," Agravaine points out.
"There can only be one choice... one choice which is just and honourable. This fight's mine." Arthur says. All the knights look at Arthur in shock, no one dared to say anything.

Later that afternoon Merlin is busy getting Arthur ready. I'm sitting with Jules outside.
"He said he loved me and that he never stopped loving me,"  I say staring at the dead fire.
"What?" Jules ask.
"Arthur. He told me last night he never stopped loving me." I say blankly.
"If he still loves you why'd he end it," Jules asks.
"Someone influenced him like I knew they did."
Arthur walked out of the tent with Merlin.  He glances at me and then walks off. I stand up and walk after Arthur and Merlin with Jules behind me. The whole of the opposing army is on the bottom of the cliff and the whole of Camelot is on the top. Merlin, Jules, the main knights and I are standing to the front. Caerleon's champion steps forward. He is absolutely giant. I glance down and see Arthur climbing over the rocks and head over to the middle.
"He's so big why's he so big?" I whisper to Jules in a panic.
"Will you calm down?" Jules asks, whispering to me. They begin fighting. Arthur was a lot smaller so he had the speed. Arthur was doing really well until the champion hits Arthur. He falls to the ground. I hold my breath. Arthur jumps out the way. Their fighting is eventually matched. When all of a sudden Arthurs sword drops to the ground and it looks like he can barely move.  The champion swings his sword. I use my magic to stop it. Arthur takes his chance and knocks him over. They both lie on the ground the champion gets up and kicks Arthur. He picks up his sword and holds it up. I sit there in a flat out panic.
"Ecg aetstande!" I hear Merlin whisper. I sigh in relief as the champion sword drops to the ground. Arthur rolls around and grabs the champion's sword he slices at his back, he falls to his knee. Arthur pushes him to the ground. Arthur holds the sword up then looks at us, he looks back to the man then slams the sword down next to him. Everyone in Camelot cheers. 
"Long live the king!" They shout.

We head back to Camelot. As we arrive the entire city and everyone in it cheers and celebrates. Merlin and I are walking alongside Arthur.
"You're a hero," Merlin says.
"Thank you, Merlin," Arthur says.
"Not to us. To your people," I say.
"Right. You two think different?" Arthur asks.
"Oh yeah. I still see you as a pompous arrogant prince."
"And we know something they don't," Merlin says.
"And that is?" Arthur asks.
"You know, that you're a cabbage head," Merlin states.
"Maybe," Arthur replies.
"Oh wow you owned up to it." I climb off my horse, "See you later."
I climb the stairs.
"Olivia." I stop and turn around. I see Arthur coming up behind me.
"These..." He pulls out a bunch of purple flowers. "Are for you."
I grab the flowers from him, "What are these for?"
"They're not much, I know. I picked them by the side of the road." 
I smile at them, "Is that why you suddenly stopped?"
Arthur nods. He notices the confused look on my face. "They're to say I'm sorry, Olivia."
"It's fine. I understand." 
"Hmm. A good king should... respect the traditions of the past. As my father did."
I nod, I still have no idea what he's getting at.
"But a good king should also... be true to himself... and do as he sees fit... and be seen with those who he cares for." Arthur steps closer.
"Even if they're not... Appropriate?" 
Arthur grabs me around my waist and pulls me against him. He kisses me.
He pulls away and looks at me, "Does that answer your question?"
"Yeah, that pretty much... sums it up." Arthur smiles at my answer and kisses me again. "I'm happy you came to your senses."
Arthur smiles at me, "I could never let you go for too long."

Authors not A/N 
I'm sorry, this chapter is short and it took so long. I've been super busy but I will try and get some more chapters written as soon as possible.
Thank you so much for all the support. 50k reads! I cannot believe it. I never thought this would get so popular I cannot thank you guys enough <3 <3 

I will post soon.

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