Chapter 7 ~ Goblin in the castle

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Merlin and I went to Gaius and told him everything about the creature.  Gaius grabs a book and starts paging through it, looking for the creature. Gaius turns the page, and we see the creature.

"That's it," Merlin says, pointing to the creature on the page.

"Seem's you two have unleashed a goblin," Gaius says.

Merlin and I look at Gaius, and he had that look on his face.

"We know that face. That's not good, is it?" Merlin asks.

"Goblins are the most mischievous of creatures. Mischievous and dangerous." Gaius says.

"It didn't seem dangerous," I say. "More annoying," 

"Believe me, Liv. Goblins will stop at nothing to get their hands on the one thing they value above all others... Gold." Gaius says.

Suddenly the door opens, and Arthur walks in.

"You're needed, Gaius, for a matter of great urgency and extreme delicacy," Arthur says, walking over to the table.

"What is it?" Gaius asks.

"It's my father," Arthur says.

Merlin and I look at Gaius. He shrugs, and we get up. Arthur leads us toward Uther's chambers.

Arthur stops and looks at us. "I should warn you: If you value your lives, do not even think about laughing," Arthur points toward Merlin and Me.

Gaius and Merlin look at each other.

"Don't point at me; I would never laugh," I say casually.

Arthur gives Merlin and me a look and turns to the room. He walks in, and the rest of us follow.

Arthur peers into the room then look in. "Father?"

"I'm behind the screen," Uther says.

Arthur looks back at us and gestures us toward the screen. Merlin and I were standing next to each other, just behind Arthur.

Gaius looks at us then walks toward the screen. Merlin and I look at each other than follow Gaius to the screen. I walk around the curtain and see Uther; he was completely bold. I choke back a laugh and put my hand over my mouth, which got me a glare from Arthur; I quickly lower my hand.

Gaius, Merlin and I walk out of Uther's room.

"Only an enchantment could cause Uther to lose his hair like that," Gaius says. "I've no doubt the Goblin is to blame. We must catch it before it does any real damage." 

Merlin and I look at each other then burst out laughing.

"Did you see Uther's face?" Merlin asks.

"Merlin, Olivia, what do you think Uther would do to the person responsible for releasing the goblin?" Gaius says.

Merlin and I stop smiling.

"Okay, we need to catch it," I say 

"How do we do that?" Merlin asks.

"We need to set a trap," Gaius states. "For that, we need gold and plenty of it." 

Merlin and I smile at each other.

That night we sneaked into Arthur's room to... borrow the chest full of gold pieces under his bed. Merlin kneels next to the bed and grabs the chest from under the bed. He rests the chest on his knee. I walk over to him and watch him open it; the chest was full of gold pieces like we thought. Merlin looks up at me, and we smile.

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