Chapter 29 ~ The Fisher King

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"So you are still alive," Merlin says.

The fisher king smiles. "For now."

I hear some noises coming from the stone block. "That is..."

"Your friends, courage and strength, I know." The Fisher King says. "Without their help, you two would not be here."

"What is it you want?" Merlin asks.

The Fisher King sighs, "I want an end to my suffering."

"You want to die," I say.

"I have been waiting all these years for the arrival of a new time, the time of the once and future king." The Fisher King says.

"We've heard these words before," Merlin states.

"And you will hear them again, for that time is dawning. And my time can finally come to an end. This is why you were brought here. For this is not Arthur's quest; It is both of yours. Arthur thinks the prize is the trident," The Fisher King drops the trident, "But the real prize is something far greater," The Fisher King holds his palms out flat, and a small glass vial of water appears in one hand and another glass bottle of water. He holds the second one to Merlin "Water... from the lake of Avalon. I have kept it safe all these years, waiting for the right person to claim it, and that is you. You are the chosen ones."

"What are you talking about?" Merlin asks.

"Albion's time of need is near, and in that dark hour, you must be strong, for you alone can save her. Your powers are great, but you will need help. And that is what I'm giving you." The Fisher King says.

Merlin steps forward and grabs the vial.

"When all seems lost, this will show you the way." The Fisher King says.

"Thank you," Merlin says. He backs up, so he was next to me.

The Fisher King turns to me and holds up the small vial with water. "This is water with great healing powers, it can cure any wound no matter how bad magical or non-magical=. but the slightest drop spilled it will not work, this can only be used once, and never again," 

I nod and gently take the vial from the Fisher King. I step back, so I was next to Merlin.

"Thank you," I smile.

"I have given you both a gift. Now you must give me one in return." The Fisher King says.

"But we have nothing to give," Merlin states.

The Fisher King smiles and stands. He groans as he does so, " I think you do."

I look at my brother, "The eye of the phoenix."

Merlin passes the water of lake Avalon to me and takes the eye of the phoenix out of his pocket.

"If I give you this, you will die," Merlin says.

The Fisher King doesn't say anything. He holds his hand out to Merlin and nods. Merlin kneels in front of the Fisher King and puts the eye of the phoenix on his hand. It starts glowing. Merlin lowers his hand and looks at the king. He holds his hand to the roof; I kneel next to Merlin. A big wind appears and surrounds the Fisher King Merlin covers me until there was no more wind. 

"Thank you," The Fisher King says.

Merlin lets me go, I look up, and the fisher king was gone. The door lifts a little, and Arthur rolls in. Merlin and I quickly stand and walk towards them. Gwaine rolls in soon after. Arthur stands and looks at us.

"Merlin, Olivia," Arthur says; he gives us a confused look.

Then out of nowhere, he walks to me and hugs me. At first, I stand frozen, then wrap my arms around him. We stand there for a couple of seconds; then, he lets me go. He hits Merlin on the shoulder and walks further into the room. Gwaine walks over to us and hugs me, then hugs Merlin.

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